
When Polly Met Olly by Zoe May


When Polly Met Olly by Zoe May
Publication Date :
January 7th 2019
Publisher : HQ Digital
Read Date : May 26th 2019
Genre : Chick-Lit / Romance
Pages : 269
Stars : ★★★★  /5

Polly and Olly were never supposed to meet…
Polly might spend her days searching for eligible matches for her elite list of clients at her New York dating agency, but her own love life is starting to go up in smoke.

Even worse, she can’t stop thinking about the very person she’s meant to be setting her latest client up with… surely it can’t get any worse!

But then Polly bumps into oh-so-handsome Olly, who heads up a rival agency, and realizes that perhaps all really is fair in love and dating war… 

When Polly Met Olly was wonderfully written heartwarming and thought-provoking chick- lit and a lovely romance. Book was about not just love, romance but importance of compatibility, having substance in relationship; Following passion and not just following it but enjoying it; Being genuine and compassionate in profession; not letting down your own worth and not to let people disrespect you and your work.

This book had wonderful characters and character development.

Polly reminded me what it is like to have dream and putting efforts in achieving them, and how it can be disappointing sometime. She was compassionate, genuine and beautiful soul. She was smart, witty and good as a matchmaker and photographer and yet she learned something new in both of her work. She lacked confidence and she didn’t know her own worth until she met a person she was trying set her client up with. I liked her development, the way she finally achieved her dream. She was overall relatable and lovable person.

Olly was 20 years older than Polly. He and his life appeared all perfect and shiny on outside. He looked haughty, disrespectful and soulless who just understood business. But as I read more I could see how different he was inside. He didn’t know what love was and how phony his agency was until he met Polly. His development was mind-blowing. Not all can accept their fault so smoothly like Olly and I loved him for that.

Gabe, Polly’s roommate, was amazing friend. He worked as HR consultant during week and on Friday night he performed as Gabriella at a gay bar. I liked him from very beginning. He was fun to be around. I liked his views on his job and colleagues and loved what he said about enjoying our dream. Even his development was affecting.

Derek was amazing. I wish we all can get the boss like him- Compassionate, lively, warm and gentle, giving opportunities to staff and giving treats on small and big achievements. He had only Polly as staff but you know it’s just great to have boss like him even though wages are low.

Book started with Polly Wood, being interviewed as matchmaker at ‘To the Moon & Back’ dating agency by the founder of agency, Derek. A dream to be photographer with a degree was not working as she anticipated. And I could see why! Single for 3 years and apparently not good at dating, yet it didn’t affect in getting the job. Texting women on behalf of client and set a date for them was not what you call ‘honest and ethical’ but Polly had to pay bills. And that’s how fates worked on bringing Olly and Polly together. When Polly met Olly, competitor of Derek, the founder of The Elite Love Match agency, she couldn’t get him out of her mind. Everything about him seemed so perfect but was it really? Is this love or just the attraction she had with her previous dates?

Writing was remarkable. The plot was filled with wit, humor, romance and insight. It was narrated from Polly’s POV in her strong voice that touched the heart and made me brood over her experience and what she learned in the story. Setting was also great. I loved to read about dating agency, how it worked and how some can be phony and some real and genuine.

Polly’s dream of New York and photography, her dad and mother’ love story was lovely to read. Her disastrous previous dates were funny. What I loved most was I loved her relation with Derek, Gabe, and her friends.

I also loved the middle 20% of the book about Polly setting her clients up, chatting with them, having fun with friends and working on her photography dream. Another favorite thing was both Polly and Olly’s insightful thoughts, experience and development.

Both Polly and Olly were a matchmaker who were single and didn’t know what love is. As Polly started working as matchmaker she saw how people and love has turned categorical. There was no romance, no fun that she saw between her parents. She learned that two people didn’t have to have similar interest or look good together. They could be starkly opposite and still can be happy as a couple. She met some good and bad people during her job and got to know the real people behind their perfect appearance.

Some were so strict about their checklist that they miss out so many good and compatible match and true love. Olly was among those checklist type who made his own list and followed it as it worked best for him. But on meeting Polly, he realized love doesn’t happen that way. You need just have spark, it need to click right and need to have magical alchemy.  

Turns in the story and climax was surprising. I had my suspicion as he looked too perfect to be true but I couldn’t guess Olly’s flaw. I loved the way story took turn that turned out best for everyone. It was lovely happily-ever-after end.

Thing that made me hesitate from giving full star was, the actual Polly and Olly story or the real conversation between them started almost after 45% of the book. They met early in the book alright but it took time for them to actually come in touch. Oh and I wanted little more story before end or epilogue would have been great. I just didn’t want it to end there.

Overall, it was intriguing, lovely, witty chick-lit and romantic story of Polly and Olly that fan of this genre wouldn’t want to miss. I really enjoyed this and would love to read more books by Zoe May.

Book LinksGooadreads | Amazon |Publisher

*** Note: Many thanks to publisher for providing e-ARC via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review. ***


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