Deadman’s Tome Final Contact by Eric S Brown, James Grim Desborough, David M Hoenig, Brian Melechy Quinn, Candace Robinson, Nadeleine Swann, Dj Tyrer, Kristofer Velasquez
Published: September 1st 2017 by Deadman’s Tome
Read Date: September 9th 2017
Stars: 4/5
Deadman’s Tome presents First Contact. This volume of galactic terror features stories that warn of the consequences of bold space exploration, exploitative mining, venturing too far, and contact with foreign entities. You see, dear reader, we are not alone, and our first contact might just be our last!
This is collection of science-fiction stories, most of which set in space. They were about the terror of space exploration and alien attack and invasions. A slow death, mysterious death of astronauts in space, one by one suicide of crew on the ship, aliens in shape of children, octopus in all house of city, alien attack. Sounds terrifying, right? Well these all you will find the book.
Book started with the most terrifying death I have ever heard, A slow Death. And damn those opening line of the book, I just loved it.-
“I’m dying.
They’re killing me.
They are not doing it quickly.”
All stories had and perfect title and horrifying suspense. I felt like I was reading campfire horror stories and each were different and even weirder than the previous one. Description of space and aliens and all events were narrated precisely in few words. Gruesome deaths and creepy creatures were really creative and made me look around every corner of my house before going to bed.
My favorite stories were- A Slow Death (the death in this story was nothing I have imagined and a torture the inflicted on that man was straight from the hell), A Layer Hidden (Oh my, the aliens in this one was totally weird and came in surprising form, and deaths were so gruesome. Just loved it), Mother Lode (this was brilliant, loved everything in this story right from character to suspense and climax).
Okay some stories were just okay. That Octopus one I couldn’t understand how the hell it came all of sudden everywhere and what was happening.
Overall just amazing. I wish they were longer with detailed. And I would prefer to stay on Earth if some other planet was found and they were shifting. I’m not going on such horrible exploration.
If you like Science-fics, aliens and space exploration stories, you should read this book.
Buy Here: Amazon.com / Amazon.in
*** Note: I received a review copy of this book from the author, in exchange for an honest review. Many thanks to author. I’m glad I got a chance to read this book. ***
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Happy Reading! 🙂
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Literary Dust
Thanks for reviewing! 😘