
An Impossible Thing Called Love by Belinda Missen

An Impossible Thing Called Love Paperback  by

An Impossible Thing Called Love by Belinda Missen
Publication Date
: November 18th 2018
Publisher : HQ Digital
Read Date : May 22, 2019
Genre : Chick-Lit / Romance
Pages : 384
Stars : ★★★★  /5

Don’t miss the new delightfully uplifting book from the author of A Recipe for Disaster!

A second chance at love…

When globe-trotting Emmy first fell for first-aider William on a freezing New Year’s Eve, she really believed that their love would go the distance.

But when she returns to Australia, her letters start to go unanswered and her emails bounce back unread, Emmy decides it’s time to pick up the pieces of her broken heart and start afresh in London.

So she’s shocked when William walks in on her very first day at her new job! Even worse, he’s hotter than ever. But why did he disappear for so long? What has he been hiding? And could this really be their second chance at falling in love…?

Perfect for fans of Carole Mathews, Mhairi McFarlane and Carrie Hope Fletcher.

Readers LOVE Belinda Missen:‘a captivating and compelling read I highly recommend!’
‘A delightfully funny, engaging and warm-hearted read’
‘the characters are brilliant, the setting is gorgeous and the writing is compelling
‘A pleasant. light funny read, well written and thought-provoking.’

An Impossible Thing Called Love was wonderful, feel good, witty and entertaining with heartwarming romance that revolved around the love story of Emmy and William. The book was about second chance to love, miscommunication, forgiveness, looking at your own mistake and behavior, and friendship.

Emmy was great throughout the book. I loved her lively and friendly nature. She was amazing friend and developed character with good conscience. I liked the way she accepted her mistake at the end.

William was charming, fun loving and utterly romantic. I loved him from Hogmanay to Hogmanay. What was best about him was he never brought his problems to work. No one could see how worst his personal life was. On outside he was happy, friendly, devoted to his work whom everybody loved. If I was in Emmy’s place I would have forgiven him before he even said sorry. 😉

From the very first chapter I loved the trio of Emmy, Heather and Josh that gave overview of how their friendship started, their characteristics and importance in Emmy’s life. Josh was hilarious. I knew I’m going to like him when I read about his make-up bag. Heather was great with her protective maternal nature. Emmy’s siblings were also good. I wish I could read more about them.

Craig was jerk, not in the beginning but later when he and Emmy moved to London.  I never liked him in Sydney as well. Maybe my love for William was more just like Emmy. His behavior was outrageous. I wouldn’t have tolerated it like Emmy did. But I loved her when she snapped and the way she saved her dignity.

I loved the plot and this heartwarming love story. I like stories that pastes a goofy smile on my face, makes me laugh, fall in love with characters and their life, and ache for more.

Book started with Emmy describing her wonderful experience of Europe trip and enjoying Hogmanay festival with her best friends Josh and Heather. But that unfortunately sidetracked by a punch on face! Good thing, it led her to a beautiful direction, she met handsome first aider, William. In just a day both felt connection. Ending the vacation with promise of staying in touch and heartwarming kiss both went back to their own life, own country and dream the impossible of seeing each other again. Switching from email to letters and gifts exchange, rambling their life they became best friends. 

What I didn’t expect was as fast the holiday fling started the sooner it ended. That too abruptly. Letters stopped coming from William. I was dying to know What happened to William? Why he stopped writing?

Emmy moved on in life after waiting more than a year. She started dating her classmate Craig who was nice. Both Emmy and Craig moved to London with new job, new relation sharing apartments with her best friends. Life was good what she didn’t anticipate was heartbreak, new and old friends, secrets and mystery of lost letters were awaiting to make her life complicated.  

It was first person narrative from Emmy’s POV who made me fall in love with her charming and delightful voice. Writing was amazing. It hooked me to story right from the beginning. It was easy, enticing and fun to read. All touristy places, streets, restaurants and food were wonderfully written. Whenever I travel I also make bucket list like Emmy and make sure I have enough days to cover all of them. I enjoyed conversation between characters specially those letters.

When Emmy and William met again and shared their disappointments, shouting, fighting, and giving the cold behavior, I had a theory what went wrong and why they didn’t receive each other’s letters. I was eager to find how right my hypothesis was. But I was so so wrong. I didn’t expect William having this big secret.

The communication gap and fear of losing friendship that resulted into secrets and heartbreak. I could feel Emmy’s disappointments and emotions for both William and Craig. I loved the way she handles situation with calm and composure. But she was also at fault for not telling the truth. It showed not to just blame others but look at our own behavior as well.

Twist and turns were surprising, unexpected. I loved William’s proposal and their trip just before climax. The development in story and climax was nicely written. I loved to see how Emmy and William finally resolved their issues and celebrated New Year in perfect happy ending.

That revelation of missing letters during the conversation was little confusing. I had to reread it. There were some moments I wanted to smack Emmy on the head. I mean why to tolerate nasty behavior of Craig, why couldn’t she forgive William and made things harder.

Overall, it was sweet, happily-ever-after, cozy and perfect vacation read, filled with humor and charming characters.

Author : Belinda Missen

Book Links

Goodreads Amazon | Publisher

*** Note: Many thanks to publisher for providing e-ARC via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review. ***


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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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