
Monthly Wrap-Up: December 2018

Happy New Year!

Now that I’m little used to with my girl’s sleeping, feeding and pooping schedule, I I’m going to start the new year with reading and posting regularly. We have plans this year- we need to find another rental house, there will be some expense once we shift the house and little bit travelling. So, balancing life, family and blog properly is the only goal of the year as of now.

This will be short post as I didn’t read or post much last month.

Books I read in December-

Father Figure by James J. Cudney – ★★★★★
It was engaging, emotional, suspenseful and insightful contemporary family drama that I recommend to all fiction lover. If you haven’t read it yet just grab it without second thought.
Academic Curveball (Braxton Campus Mysteries #1) by James J. Cudney – ★★★★★
It was interesting cozy mystery with quirky characters and a great start of series that I recommend to all cozy mystery lover.
The Star-Touched Queen (The Star-Touched Queen #1) by Roshani Chokshi – ★★★★★
It was magical, enchanting, beautiful tale with descriptive flowery writing and unique world building. I recommend it to YA fantasy lover.
A Crown of Wishes by Roshani Chokshi – ★★★★★
It was full package of mystery, adventure, action, tales, myth, and romance that I recommend to all YA fantasy lover.
Clouded by Envy by Candace Robinson – ★★★★★
It was fast paced, imaginative, fabulous NA fantasy that I highly recommend.

All great reads!

Other Posts-

Best Of 2018
2018 in Reading and Challenge Update

That’s it…

How was your month in reading?
What have you read?
Do we share common books from this list?

Share your thoughts in the comment-box below.
And I wish you all a fabulous 2019.



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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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