
2018 in Reading and Challenge Updates

Hello Book Lovers! I hope you all had fantastic year in reading. This year it was my goal to keep reading tracker in excel and thought to prepare charts and keep count of various categories so that I can have expanded stats at the end of the year.

Total Books and pages I read and other categories-

Total books Read99
Total Pages Read24763
Average Rating4.5

I don’t know which one book I missed because in Goodreads total count shows 100 and in my entries total count is 99! Anyways it doesn’t affect much. Most of the books I read were great. only few book I rated low.

only 1 book was given 1 rating; 2 books – 2.5 rating ; 3-3 rating and 5- 3.5 rating. Rest were 4 and above.

Author GenderCount

Most read Authors-

Most read Authorscount
Anuja Chandramouli3
James J. Cudney3
Marian Orloń3

Book Formats-


Reading Challenges-

I did well till August end but last 4 months had been unpredictable and once my girl arrived I hardly had time to read. But I’m satisfied with those 100 books I read so no regrets.

In Alphabet Soup Reading Challenge, I completed most of the letters except G, N, X, Y, Z. The list is HERE.

So this is it. I quiet enjoyed keeping tracker and making all that charts so I will continue the same in 2019 as well. And I don’t think I can read 100 books next year so my target for ‘2019 Goodreads challenge’ will be around 70 books.

How was your year in reading?
Do you keep reading tracker? If so how do you manage it?

Share your thoughts in the comment-box below.



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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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