Fantasy,  Review

#UpdatedReview: Quinsey Wolfe’s Glass Vault (Glass Vault #1) by Candace Robinson @LITERARYDUST

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Publication Date: June 26th 2018

Publisher: The Parliament House

Read Date: June 29th 2018

Pages: 242

Genre: Dark Fantasy / Retelling / Horror

Stars: 5/5

5 star_crop

Goodreads blurb_edited

Some see it… Some don’t…

People in the town of Deer Park, Texas are vanishing. There is a strange museum, known as Quinsey Wolfe’s Glass Vault, that appears overnight. Perrie Madeline’s best friend and ex-boyfriend are among the missing. Perrie and her friend August go on a pursuit for them in the mysterious museum. Could the elusive Quinsey Wolfe’s Glass Vault have anything to do with the disappearances?

Quinsey Wolfe’s Glass Vault is the start of a thrilling duology full of magic, danger, and romance.


This was re-released edition and my re-read. First edition I read was exactly a year before (Review). It was bit difficult rewrite the review so this is mix of old and new review.

As it is re-read, and it’s been a long time I can’t pinpoint what changes were made with this book but I can surely say reading was faster and smoother this time. There was some changes with Perrie and writing was much better. I guess the major change was in first few chapters. Some things I didn’t remember in detail that I enjoyed rereading. It was not as shocking for me when twists came as I knew the story but even though I enjoyed reading this book again.

Quinsey Wolfe’s Glass Vault was a dark YA fantasy, mix of horror and retelling, about Perrie and her friends who get involved in mysterious disappearance of teens in the town of Deer Park. The book was about friendship, betrayal, trust and love.

I loved the all characters and the way author presented them.

Protagonist- Perrie was great friend and sister. She cared about her friends most specially Maisie. She was not as strong as Maisie but definitely was courageous. My heart went to her when she told about her mother and her messed up relation with Neven. But I liked that even after all that happened between them she never stopped caring for him and kept looking for him when he went missing. Her character was realistic.

Maisie is my all-time favorite character- She was crafty, loyal, smart, selfless, big-hearted and amusing character but was reckless and thoughtless that caused big problem in the book. I loved her patches, they were so creative.

I liked the way August helped Perrie in finding Maisie and Neven. He was so believable. The Antagonist was creepy and dark tricks were scary.

From the concept to the characters everything was very unique and interesting. The book was first person narrated by protagonist, Perrie. I liked her tone that captures the attention of Young adult readers.

The world building was most remarkable and creative. Museum and displays were depicted vividly, it had creepy feel of its own. I liked the way author turned famous happily ever after fairy tales into dark and twisted world where characters of those tales weren’t anything like original, some were twisted and some had better survival instinct. Most twisted and gruesome display was Snow White and Huntsman. It was most creative of all.

The twist and turns were cleverly written. I couldn’t guess where the story was going and how Perrie will figure out about her friends or in which display she will end up and how she will come out of displays. Theory characters put together during their journey through displays was brilliant. It made the book even more exciting and intriguing. I kept wondering who the hell Quisey is and when he will turn up.

The end was shocking, scary, and highly unpredictable. It ended with cliffhanger.

Overall, It’s fast paced, will keep you on the edge, something different to read. All in all I loved this newer edition more than first one. I definitely recommend this book to YAs and dark fantasy readers.


Author: Candace Robinson

To know more about her click⇒ here

*** Note: Many thanks to author for providing review copy of this, in exchange for an honest review. ***

What do you feel about book and my review? Have you read this book already or any book by this author? Have you read something similar to this before? Share your thoughts in comment-box below.

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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