
Monthly Wrap-Up: October 2017

wrap-up october

Hey Everyone! My birthday month is over and it was good memorable month in life aspect but in reading it was just okay.

This month in reading-

Fantasy / Mythology:

Name Of Ra

Name of Ra (Descendants of Isis #3) by Kelsey Ketch

Stars: 3.75/5

Overall it was interesting but heroine were disappointing.

Fantasy / Futuristic / Dystopian:

no vain loss cover

No Vain Loss (No Ordinary Star #3) by M.C. Frank


Full of action and surprises, twist and turns. Open ended but no hints so I hope author decide to write more to this series.

Romance/New Adult

Steal Me

Steal Me (Haunted Roads #1) by India R. Adams

Stars: 5/5

This was 7th book by India and with this I read all of her books published till. Loved this book. There were good turning points. Little surprises. Freaking rocket speed book. Now I’m patiently waiting for her new release.



Pigeon Blood Red by Ed Duncan

Stars: 4/5

Refreshing, fast paced, gangster thriller. Though it was straight for me, I enjoyed it.


Social Engineer (Brody Taylor Thrillers #1) by Ian Sutherland

Stars: 5/5

Novella, brilliant, perfectly written with all the required details in just few pages.


tell tale

Tell Tale: Short Stories by Jeffrey Archer

Stars: 5/5

This was my first Jeffrey Archer book that started in September and finished in October. It was collection of short stories, I enjoyed this so much that I purchased Clifton Chronicles.

Chick-Lit/ Women Fiction:

Welcome Home

The Welcome Home Diner: A Novel by Peggy Lampman

Stars: 4.5/5

Steady paced, with tasty family and romantic drama, sensitive issues, and and delicious food of diner.


Just around the bend

Just Around The Bend: Más o Menos by Renée Paule

Stars: 5/5

Self-help book. This was second book, sequel to ‘On the other Hand’. Can be read solo but I suggest to read in sequence. I started liking non-fictions after reading Renée Paule’s books. I learned lot from this book. There is something for everyone here.

Short story Reviews:

Saturday #ShortStoryReview: Nile Crossing by Katy Beebe

Saturday Short Story Review: All Aboard The Discovery Express: Open the Flaps and Solve the Mysteries by Emily Hawkins and Tom Adams

Author Interview-

Author Interview: Michael Stott – Author of #TarehChronicle

Author Interview: Cristina Hodgson- Author of A Little of Chantelle Rose

Author Interview: Peggy Lampman, Author of The Welcome Home Diner

Other Blog Posts:

Cover Reveal-

#CoverReveal & #Giveaway: Death Island by Kelsey Ketch

Tags/ Awards-

What Makes You Happy Tag

Thia is how my whole month looked like (with lots of dash/ blanks).


Overall this month was not that good. I’m 3 books behind but I will read them by first week of September.

How was your reading month? Have you read any of this book or planning to read? Have you completed targeted number of books? Share your thoughts in the comment-box below.

Happy Reading! 🙂

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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