Children,  Review

1. A Tale of Two Daddies and 2. A Tale of Two Mommies – by Vanita Oelschlager

Saturday Short Story Review
Hello everyone! Hope you all are enjoying first weekend of September. Today I’m reviewing two Children’s picture book with GLBT theme.

  1. A Tale of Two Daddies by Vanita Oelschlager, Kristin Blackwood (Illustrator), Mike Blanc (Illustrator)
  2. A Tale of Two Mommies by Vanita Oelschlager, Mike Blanc (Illustrator)

  1. A Tale of Two Daddies by Vanita Oelschlager, Kristin Blackwood (Illustrator), Mike Blanc (Illustrator)

tale of two daddies

Published: April 1st 2010 by Vanita Books

Read Date: September 1st 2017

Stars: 5/5

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Story starts with two friends playing on playground. Boy named Lincoln is very curious that his girl-friend is having two daddies and he have a series of questions about chores that usually divided between mother and father. He wants to know which chore performed by who. The girl very sweetly and smartly answers them.
Goodreads Description: Intended for 4- to 8-year-olds, this book introduces a type of family increasingly visible in modern society. Neither favoring nor condemning, it reflects a child’s practical and innocent look at the adults who nurture and love her. It becomes clear that the family bond is unburdened by any cultural discomforts.
I liked how she called her two dads. Poppa and Daddy. In the begging only girl made me instantly like her. She was such a sweet and smart girl who patiently answered all questions by her curious friend. Discussion between them were written simple rhyme that children can easily understand. Both dads divided daily chore between them that they never let girl realize they were doing chore that were usually done by women. Illustrations were very bright and colorful with all required details.


2. A Tale of Two Mommies by Vanita Oelschlager, Mike Blanc (Illustrator)

Tale of two mommies.jpg

Published: September 1st 2011 by Vanita Books

Read Date: August 1st 2017

Stars: 5/5

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A Tale of Two Mommies is about boy having two moms. Story starts at beach boy playing with his friends who ask him questions about who performs what task that are usually done by dad.
Goodreads Description: A Tale of Two Mommies is intended for 4-8 year olds. This book lets us look inside one non-traditional family, a same sex couple and their son. As the children talk, it’s clear this boy lives in a nurturing environment where the biggest issues are the everyday challenges of growing up.
Descriptions says lot about the book. Theme and lesson of this one was the same as of A Tale of Two Daddies with beautiful illustrations and narrated in easy rhymes but questions asked by friends were different and he answered them very nicely. In this story it was mentioned that boy was sometimes facing problem of having same sex parents and some kids at school were not nice with him. It was noticeable how loving the boy was brought up by his both mommies in the story.

Lesson from both stories: It is very important to teach children that not to look differently at kids who have different family. Both stories told in very simple way that everyone should accept family of same sex parents or different family and also help in bringing awareness that different kinds of family also do normal chores and love their children equally.
I liked to learn about author and illustrator at the end of the both stories and how illustrator made art for book.
Overall, both stories were very cute with simple yet important message. It should be in kids sections of all libraries.


Author: Vanita Oelschlager

Know more about book HERE.

Illustrators: Mike Blanc; Kristin Blackwood

*** Note: I received a review copy of this books via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review. Many thanks to Publisher and author.  ***

What do you think about the stories and review? Share you thoughts in the comment-box below.

Happy Reading! 🙂

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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