The Awesome Blogger Award
Hello Everyone! Another award today! I was nominated for this award by Norin @ Diary of a Bookfiend. Check out Norin’s blog. She is awesome blogger herself and has recently hit 200 followers. You can read her answers for this award HERE. Thanks Norin for nominating me. <3
This Award was created by Maggie @ Dreaming of Guatemala and she said:
This is an award for the absolutely wonderful writers all across the blogging world. They have beautiful blogs, are kind and lovely, and always find a way to add happiness and laughter to the lives of their readers. That is what truly defines an awesome blogger.
The Rules:
- Thank the person who nominated you.
- Include the reason behind the award.
- Include the banner in your post.
- Tag it under #awesomebloggeraward in the Reader.
- Answer the questions your nominator gave you.
- Nominate at least 5 awesome bloggers.
- Give your nominees 10 new questions to answer.
- Let your nominees know that they’ve been nominated!
What movie have you watched recently? Was it good?
Lights out. I watch almost all television premiers during weekends. It was horror movie and I liked it. My husband don’t like horror movies so I enjoyed torturing him. 😀
What food would you recommend everyone to try at least once?
Panipuri. I so love it. I can eat it every day.
What are some of your hobbies?
Reading. That’s all I do these days. Other than reading! Watch movies, go for walk listening music. I almost walk or exercise for 40 mins. If I’m behind reading and blogging schedule that’s because I spent whole day watching awesome movies.
What’s your beverage of choice?
Indian Tea (Made by me only!) I don’t like tea made by others. So if someone offers me tea. I say no, thank you! I will have Lemon water that’s second favorite beverage. No hard drink, no aerated water. It’s not that I don’t like it, it’s just I don’t prefer it.
Do you collect anything other than books?
Watches. I love wrist watches.
What is your favorite season?
Olfactory network in my body work very efficiently so I don’t like smelly bodies wherever I go. Yikes!! I literally hate dampness, wetness, stickiness, and muddiness. So I don’t like summer and rainy season.
Winter! Cold. dry. And colorful woolen wear. <3
What do you spend most of your time doing?
Reading! Isn’t it obvious?
What is your favorite book to movie adaptation?
Mostly, I have watched movie first and read book later and I found books better than movie. So, I can’t say exactly. I watched The Pelican Brief but I haven’t read book till date, so if that count, I liked that movie.
Tell us something about yourself?
I wrote this in comment on James’ post – Facts . So I’m copy pasting it.
Yesha / age 28 / Indian / Married
Straightforward / Tattooed / Somewhat rebellious
Professionally pharmacist, now I’m thinking why I did it at first place!
Active / learner / I know hand embroidery (my mom run classes at home, so she taught me that), paper quilling and just okay photography. Reading has been a longest passion till date, basically I don’t just sit and gossip.
Some pics of my favorite shots-
Paper Quilling. I made earring for my mom and relatives.
That’s all I guess. ;P
What is your favorite book of 2017 so far?
My questions for nominees:
- First book you read.
- Genre you hate.
- What makes you comment on any blog post?
- How do you manage your followers? Do you read all the post of blogs you follow? (I’m curious, I find it very hard to read each and every post. It takes lot of time so I want to know how you guys are managing.)
- Do you use digital planner or keep diary? (I need a paper taped on wall that stays in front of my eyes or else I’ll forget.)
- What type of book/genre you find most difficult to review?
- Are you participating in reading challenges currently? Which one and where?
- Memes / any bookish feature that you enjoy doing.
(I can’t think of any new questions so some repetition from this one.)
- Do you collect anything other than books?
- Tell us something about yourself?
I nominate:
(if you don’t do tags/awards please ignore this or you can answer any of the questions in comments)
Reads & Reels – https://readsandreels.com/
Chelsea – https://thesuspenseisthrillingme.com/
Jessica – https://minimacreviews.wordpress.com/
By Hook Or By Book – https://cadburypom.wordpress.com/
My Life in Books – https://aimees23.wordpress.com/
Little Blind Book Finds – https://littleblindbookfinds.wordpress.com/
The Well-Thumbed Reader – https://thewellthumbedreader.wordpress.com/
If you have found this post and liked my answers, you’re awesome! 😉 If you would like to do this awards consider yourself nominated (just mention me so I can read your answers) or you can answer questions in comment-box below, I won’t mind. 😉
Happy Reading! 🙂
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Krista and Dawlyn (littleblindbookfinds)
Congrats and thanks for the nomination! We’ll do this soon!
Books Teacup and Reviews
You’re welcome! ☺
Congratulations!! My goodness, paper quilling look so gorgeous!!
Books Teacup and Reviews
Thanks Norin! ☺
Thank you so much for the nomination!
Books Teacup and Reviews
You’re welcome! ☺
Tina Woodbury
Your photos and paper quilling are beautiful!
Books Teacup and Reviews
Thanks Tina! 😊
Meggy | Chocolate'n'Waffles
Panipuri is such a great name 😀 I want to try it! I also walk every day, for at least thirty minutes, more when I have time and the heat doesn’t try to kill me and the dogs! Cold and dry winters are the best! I loved The Other Girl too! 🙂
Books Teacup and Reviews
Haha, try it. It’s tasty, spicy, sour and sweet mix taste. ☺
Meggy | Chocolate'n'Waffles
You’re making me hungry!!!!
By Hook Or By Book ~ Book Reviews, News, & Other Stuff
Thank you for thinking of me Lesha. Those photographs are gorgeous! I especially LOVE the third one!😊
Books Teacup and Reviews
You’re welcome! I love that one too. 😊
James J. Cudney IV
Congratulations! 🙂 Great designs.
Books Teacup and Reviews
Thank you, James! ☺