Cover reveal

Cover Reveal: Princesses of the Night by Teresa Fuentez & Tich Brewster

Hello Everyone! Today is the cover reveal for “Princesses of the Night by Teresa Fuentez & Tich Brewster, organized by Xpresso Book Tours. The cover is designed by Desiree DeOrto Designs.


Princesses of the Night by Teresa Fuentez & Tich Brewster

(Royal Blood, #1)

Publication date: September 22nd 2017

Genres: New Adult, Paranormal

RB 1 - POTN (e-book)Synopsis:

Tanya is a hardworking college student but her whole world is turned upside down when she meets a mysterious man on Halloween. All that she thought was fiction is now her reality. A night life filled with fangs and blood—and an evil vampire that wants her dead.
She and her friends are the chosen ones, destined long ago, to save this world from destruction. That’s not easy when your enemy is your sire’s son.
Find book on Goodreads:


Born and raised in Oklahoma. I have a passion for writing, reading, basically anything book related.
I completed my first novel in 2010, Princesses of the Night, which happens to be the first in a series titled Royal Blood.
My novels fall under the genre Paranormal/Fantasy/NA
Links: Website / Facebook / Goodreads
Tich is an Oklahoma resident and the mother of five. Her passion for reading started at an early age when her Aunt Vicky gave her the novel Heidi for Christmas. She didn’t start writing until middle school, after being inspired by her best friend’s short stories. “Genny’s stories weren’t just great but they inspired me to put my pen and paper to good use.”
Links: Twitter / Website / Facebook / Goodreads

Happy Reading! 🙂


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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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