Book Tag/Award

TAG: Desert Island Discs Blog Tag

I was nominated to Desert Island Discs Blog Tag by Mischenko. Check out her blog @ReadRantRock&Roll . I love reading her reviews and interviews. Read her answer for this tag HERE.
Thank you, for tagging me to this blog tag.

The Rules:

  • Link back to BookBum’s original post, so she can see all your answers! (Remember to do this via pingback, she won’t get a notification if not!)
  • Thank the person who tagged you… show some love!
  • Come up with your answers
  • Then tag others to keep the tag going!

The Premise:

You are cast away onto a remote desert island:

  • You can bring 5 albums – what are they?
  • You can bring one book – which is it? You are provided with a Bible/ other religious text if you want it, as well as the Complete Works of Shakespeare. No series!
  • You can have one luxury item (it has to be inanimate and can’t help you escape the island) – what is it?

My answers-

  • You can bring 5 albums – what are they?

There are lot of songs or artist that I love to hear but my all time favorites are-
All songs by The Chainsmokers –
Sex and Love by Enrique Iglesias –
1989 by Taylor Swift –
Rockstar by Mohit Chauhan –
All hits by KK –

  • You can bring one book – which is it? You are provided with a Bible/ other religious text if you want it, as well as the Complete Works of Shakespeare. No series!

Just one book!!!! I would like to take a series but that is also not allowed!  Not fair! 🙁 :/ So, I guess a book in which there is survival techniques, there’s story and it’s entertaining, witty, and encouraging. I haven’t come across a book that have all of this, so whenever I will find one I will take that. I have another idea-
Can I take all of my favorite books and the books with genres I mentioned above bind all in one creating a gigantic tome? That will be considered one right? Right? Say yes, say yes!!! 😉

  • You can have one luxury item (it has to be inanimate and can’t help you escape the island) – what is it?

The luxury tent close to a house just like they had in Harry Potter.
Or this one with survival kit.
tent with kit

I tag:

I checked mostly everyone has done this tag so I tag
@Little Blind Book Finds
@Book Reviews by Shalini –
@Kajal Dhamija
@Always Trust In Books –
And whoever come across this tag and has not been nominated yet. Consider yourself nominated. 🙂

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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