Book Tag/Award

The Liebster Award

I was nominated for The Liebster Award by Marina @Books of magic. If you are not following her please check out her blog. I love light colors and design of her blog and she write amazing reviews and bookish posts.


What is The Liebster Award?

“The Liebster Award is an award that exists only on the internet and is given to bloggers by other bloggers. The earliest case of the award goes as far back as 2011. Liebster in German means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.” – The Global Aussie


  • Acknowledge the blog that gave it to you and display the award.
  • Answer 11 questions that the blogger gives you.
  • Give 11 random facts about yourself.
  • Nominate 11 blogs and notify them of their nomination.
  • Give these blogs 11 questions to answer.

Marina’s Questions:

1. If you had to read just one genre forever, which one would you choose?

Fantasy. I’m sure I wouldn’t get tired of reading Fantasy all my life.

2. Do have any hobbies besides reading and what are they?

Photography. I love taking photos. I used to click many nature shots now books and my daughter fills the frame.

3. What is your favorite animated movie?

Frozen, Brave, Moana, Tangled, How to Train Your Dragon, Gig Hero 6, Up, Kung Fu Panda… Yes, I watch many animated movies. I loved them as kid and still love them as adult. I watch more cartoons and animated movies than my daughter! (My husband words, not mine!) 😁

4. What is a cool new TV show you’ve been watching recently?

I don’t watch TV shows. I recently watched Extractions that I enjoyed.

5. How do you have fun/relax in quarantine?

Read, blog, spend time with family. Quarantine hasn’t changed much in my life. I’m doing what I did before lock down only exception is I can’t go out with my daughter.

6. What makes you pick up a book?

synopsis, reviews, and mood.

7. Where would you like to travel next, once this is all over?

Ooty, Tamil Nadu

Ooty In December 2020: Your Ultimate Guide To A Family Trip
Ooty In Summer 2020: 16 Best Places To Visit In The Nilgiris

8. If you could pick one author to live and write forever (Or as long as you live), who’d you pick?

How can I pick one! It’s like saving only one book from burning library! That’s horrible. I want them all to live forever.

9. What do you like to drink while reading?

Tea or juice. But if book is so interesting, I wouldn’t even remember to drink water.

10. What is your favorite legend/folktale/fairytale?

Greek Legends, Indian folktales and Rapunzel

11. Recommend me a book from your favorite genre! 

LOTR and Percy Jackson series

My Questions:

  1. Which genre is not your most favorite but it ends up surprising you every time you read it?
  2. Do you buddy read?
  3. Which class you would like to take at Hogswart?
  4. Which natural element would you like to master?
  5. Do you journal?
  6. Are you binge watching anything?
  7. If you had to read just one genre forever, which one would you choose?
  8. Who are your most read authors and how many books you have read by the same author?
  9. Which color dominate your shelf?
  10. how have your reading habit changed in quarantine?
  11. Where would you like to travel next, once this is all over?

I nominate-

Sarahi @ Reader Gal

Meggy @Chocolate’n’Waffles


Jessica @stuck in the book

Tanishka & Nandika @ Yours  A-fiction-ately

Ally @ Ally Writes things

I’m not going to tag all 11 blogs so whoever like to answers those questions, consider yourself nominated but don’t forget to mention me.

Happy Reading!

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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