Book Tag/Award

Ringing In The New Year Book Tag

After a long time I’m doing tag again! I was nominated for this tag by Sophie @Blame Chocolate. You can read her answers to this tag Here. Don’t forget to check out her beautiful blog, I’m sure you’ll like all amazing posts on her blog.


  • Link to the person who tagged you
  • Link to the creator of the tag (Bookmark Chronicles)
  • Share the tag image
  • Answer the questions below
  • Tag friends (or not if you don’t feel like it)

Best book and/or series that you’ve read in 2017

  • Kitty Hawk Flying Detective Agency by Iain Reading
  • Manipulated Lives by  H.A. Leuschel
  • Freak by Erin Lee
  • Yama’s Lieutenant by Anuja Chandamouli
  • The Other Girl by Erica Spindler

Authors that you’ve recently found and would like to read more of in the new year

  • Anuja Chandamouli
  • Iain Reading

Most anticipated book turned movie/tv show?

Peter Rabbit based on The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter

I haven’t read this book but watched trailer and I liked it and I don’t want to miss it.

Check it out-

Name a character that you wouldn’t mind sharing a kiss with at midnight (if there is one)

Midnight kiss! I don’t want any trouble with my husband as I’m damn sure he will read this post once he’s back from the office. And it’s our marriage anniversary tomorrow so NOPE… I PASS this question. (Maybe some other time, I’ll write a post on the list of book boyfriends 😉 )

What’s on your TBR for 2018? (Top 5-10 will suffice if it’s an extremely long list!)

I’m not going to count books I need to read that received as author requests or as giveaway winner. I’m going to list Book I have bought but haven’t read yet!

  • 7 books in The Clifton Chronicles series –by Jeffrey Archer
  • To Kill a Mockingbird –by Harper Lee
  • First 2 book in The Trials of Apollo series –by Rick Riordan
  • 3 famous books -by Khaled Hosseini
  • The Ministry of Utmost Happiness by Arundhati Roy
  • And today, I’m going to receive 2 books as anniversary gift from my husband – Matilda and combined book Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Avonlea. 

It’s never going to end!!! *sigh*

How many books do you hope to read in 2018?


Will you participate in the Goodreads Reading Challenge or any others (PopSugar, Down the TBR Hole, etc.)

Yes I’m participating in Goodreads Reading Challenge.

I have BookRiot’s Read Harder Challenge list so I’ll try to read books that fall into those categories. I don’t strictly follow it, I just fill the blank with books that fit into categories from what I have or receive throughout year.

Also I’m thinking to , read A to Z books, there is challenge for this too but I haven’t decided yet to sign up for it yet.

Any New Year’s Resolutions? (Bookish, blogging (or vlogging), and otherwise)

  • Read books I have bought. No more buying till that.
  • Accept less requests from author, I won’t say yes to books that won’t piques my interest.
  • Read more NetGalley titles. Not just children’s picture book but full novel.
  • I won’t post everyday, that I was doing till now.
  • Write answers/post right away on any tags or awards I’m nominated for. because I keep putting them off for free time and then never doing them. So post it right away.

Thank you for reading this tag! I’m not tagging anyone so consider yourself tagged if you like this tag. Let me know about your answers to this questions in the comment-box below.

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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