
Monthly Wrap-Up: June 2017

wrap-up June

This is my first wrap-up. Hoorayyy!

I know I posted everyday this month and more reviews than I’m going to list here. I wanted to parallel my reading and posting review, so that once it is properly balanced I can publish review as soon as I finished the book. And mostly I wanted to do proper monthly wrap up. I know, it won’t be that proper this month and I’m going to just list only what I read this month, book blitz/tours, cover reveals, and book features I did this month, not everything I published (that will take hell of a time and will be too long).

So, here is what I read this month:

(click on a cover to check it on Goodreads)

(Title of book below the cover will lead you to my review)

Mystery / Thriller


The Breakdown by B. A. Paris

I gave it 4.5 stars. Amazing plot, little predictable but brilliant climax, focused on protagonist feeling and life, fast-paced, intriguing. Loved this book.

Science Fiction

Renascence front cover-350x400

Renascence by Leigh Goodison

4.5 stars. Set in future, in 2072, dystopian, post-apocalyptic world, space exploration concept, fast-paced and thrilling book.

Mythology / Fantasy

Yama l

Yama’s Lieutenant by Anuja Chandramouli

Another 4.5 Star. Set in India. Twin lover here you are. But beware book is dark, bloody and messy. Dystopian world, amazing Mythical story, epic saga.

Paranormal / Fantasy

Diary of Anna the Girl Witch 2 VC - 600_edited

Wandering Witch by Vick Connor

5 stars. Cozy witch mystery set in Siberia, page turner, enchanting witchy novel with beautiful illustrations.

Children’s / Classic /Fantasy

wizards of Oz

The Wonderful Wizards of Oz by Frank L. Baum

3.5 stars. Compelling, entertaining, and fun, famous classic children book. It was okay!


Hearts Are Like Balloons

Heart Are Like Balloons by Candace Robinson

5 stars. Sweet and smooth, fast paced contemporary.

Saturday short story / Children’s Fiction


Postcards from a War by Vanita Oelschlager

5 stars. Nice meaningful picture book for 4-8 year olds, serve as a medium to open a discussion for children whose parents are serving in military and make it easy for both children and parents.

Paranormal / Romance

My wolf and me

My Wolf and Me by India R. Adams

4.5 Stars. Another warning there is maltreatment to animals. But Lovely, amazing, funny yet emotional wolfy book.

kiss of fire.

Kiss of Fire (Imdalind, #1) by Rebecca Ethington

3.5 Stars. Too whiny main character. Good, interesting, supernatural magical book. Loved second half of the book.

Collection of short stories / Adult Fiction

Einstein beach house

Einstein’s Beach House by Jacob M. Appel

5 stars. Collection of brilliant and unique 8 short stories. About the human flaws and characteristics.

Political thriller


PSYCON by Varun T.

5 stars. Smart characters, great plot, unpredictable twist, thought-provoking political thriller.

Awards/ Book tags:

Got 100 Followers this month 🙂

Liebster Award!!

The Unpopular Opinions Tag

Cover Reveal:

Cover Reveal: It Starts With L by Cassandra Fear

Cover Reveal: Hearts are Like Balloons by Candace Robinson

Book Blitz:

Book blitz and Giveaway: Freak by Erin Lee

I won’t give away what I am going to read next month. Let it be surprise. 😉

Have you read / are you going to read any of these book? What have you read this month? Share your thoughts in comment-box below.

Happy Reading! 🙂


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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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