
Renascence by Leigh Goodison

Renascence front cover-350x400

Expected publication: June 10th 2017 by Sheffield Publications

Read Date: June 9th 2017

Stars: 4.5/5

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Blurb (in my words)

Year 2072. Earth’s natural resources are depleted. Last war in 2054, left the world’ population less than hundred thousand. It’s polluted, uninhabitable, and only 3 rotations left from complete destruction of planet and human kind. The only option is, to set out on space exploration, to the exoplanet that scientist has discovered – Planet A (Arianrhod), take the samples and return back, to test for future inhabitation.

6 scientist, 1 team leader set out for the mission.

On arriving to planet A, Zeta (protagonist) find out their team leader is double-crossing. On discovering his evil intentions, rest of the team member keep him as prisoner. In last days, on this planet, they face alien creature, team-mates captured by lost cosmonauts and find mission entangled in politics.

Who are this cosmonauts and what they will learn from them? How this mission will end? Will their visit to planet A be successful or was just a futile attempt?

My view:

My favorite line from the book:

Our objective was to save humanity, not souls. Never a light burden.

Characters– Meet explorer team. 3 females Xi, Rho, and Zeta. 3 males Sigma, Omega, and Chi. Team leader, Captain Reynard. I liked the anonymity of most of the characters. Their birth names were not disclosed in the book except Reynard. Characters were complex. They were hard to understand at some points. I was impressed by Zeta and Reynard. Their development throughout the book and on and off bond between them was nicely written.

What I liked? World-building in this book was amazing. I liked the description of post-apocalyptic world, changed social-political structure, planet- A, life of cosmonauts and ecosphere. Thorough and to the point information in first few chapters that required before plunging into the main theme of the book was really nice.

Once on the planet A, all twists and turns start. I was lost in the book that I didn’t note down any point. In fact, I couldn’t find any negative point in this book. All the big mission are involved with politics and so this one. It came to focus when I was not expecting it. Scientific theories were nicely displayed in the book.

There were few thrilling moments in the book. The space mystery in the book was able to keep me on the edge and kept me reading till the end. It gave me the feeling like I was watching those space movies, no don’t imagine startrek, not that action pack but yes thrilling.

End- In last few chapters I was like. ‘Now it will end, something will happen’. But, it was beyond what I have thought. Expected yet unexpected. It was nice.

Why 4.5? Antagonist- I don’t understand! That person was really antagonist or just misunderstood. It was little confusing.

Overall, it was fast-paced and interesting book. I enjoyed it.

Who should read it? Science fiction, space fiction lovers, this book is for you.


Author: Leigh Goodison

Read more about author HERE.

 Author Interview: Renascence by Leigh Goodison

*** Note: I received a review copy of this book via LibraryThing, in exchange for an honest review. Many thanks to publisher and author. I am glad I got a chance to read this book. ***

What do you think about the book and my review? Have you read anything like this before? Have you read any other book by this author? Share your thoughts in comment-box below.

Happy Reading! 🙂


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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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