June 2024 Wrap Up

June 2024 Wrap Up – Well managed month

Hello readers! I hope you all are well. June was just as busy as previous month but there was some kind of normality now that summer break is over and school started. Overall, I’m satisfied with month. Check out June highlights and books read in this June 2024 Wrap Up post.

June 2024 Wrap Up

June Highlights

I’m satisfied with this month as I could balance thing better. It wasn’t throughout the month but some weeks I could find more time for reading and blog so that’s much better that previous moths of the year.

What I wasn’t expecting is getting remarks from school regarding my kid’s behavioral issue. She wasn’t settled in first two weeks, she wasn’t ready to do what teachers said and that spiraled into throwing tantrums in class. 😪We don’t know what triggered this reaction, it might be because of long break from school or teachers not knowing how to handle her… it made us worry a little but thankfully now she is settled and we hope this doesn’t persist.

The more days passes the more unhappy I feel with the job. Work is good and I like it but what bugs me is the way my boss communicates. It’s been just 6 months and the guy expect me to be perfect and it feels like he thinks I’m free all day all the time, as if I don’t have family and anything that is called “Me time”.

Reading Stats

Books Read – 8
Pages Read – 2395
Goodreads Challenge – 51/80

Books Read


The Well of Ascension is fantastic sequel filled with many twists and turns and political intrigue making this series to be one of my most favorite series in 2024 so far. I highly recommend this.

In The Weeds is delightful, heartwarming, and sweet second-chance  romance in my favorite Inglewild small town with picturesque Lovelight Farm setting. Most readers loved first book more but I love this more than first book.


Curvy Summer Romance is enjoyable and fun slow burn romance with amazing plus size representation.

The Black Orphan is gripping, action-packed, and fast-paced action thriller. There was no character depth and I could identify the culprit because of unbelievable romance, but it was still really good.

Puppy Trouble is cute children’s picture book that all kids will love to read. My only issue was with the ending. Review will be up next week.

Under The Bakul Tree is a poignant and touching coming-of-age YA translated fiction set against the backdrop of rural Assam. I enjoyed the themes and layers in this, but the discussion about the political and education system turned preachy at some point.


The Physics of Relationships

The Physics of Relationships is a slow-paced, heartwarming contemporary about loss and loneliness, and the complexity of relationships. I can see the appeal of this among 60s age group readers, but this didn’t work for me.

Book of the month

The Well of Ascension - Thrilling fantasy

Blog Stats

July Plan

None so far! I just hope it goes uneventful.

Check out June highlights and books read in this June 2024 Wrap Up post. #JuneWrapup –> Share on X
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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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