May 2024 Wrap Up

May 2024 Wrap Up – As busy as April but still better

Hello readers! I don’t know where month has gone. Reading wise May was not as bad as I expected but it was busy month. Check out May highlights and books read in this May 2024 Wrap Up post.

May 2024 Wrap Up

May Highlights

After exploring numerous summer break programs, we finally enrolled our child in roller skating classes. Initially, I had doubts about her willingness to participate, but she surprised us all. It was wonderful to watch her learn to skate, especially in the sweltering summer heat.

The heat here has been unbearable, reaching as high as 47°C at times. I spent the entire month at my mom’s place due to my kid’s skating class. While it was a nice change, both my child and I began to miss our home. Frequent power outages made it even more challenging, especially enduring nights without air conditioning. Last weekend was particularly difficult, so we decided to return home for good.

There was a lot of office work throughout the month. For half of the month, I didn’t read anything and barely had time for blog.

Reading Stats

Books Read – 9
Pages Read – 2259
Goodreads Challenge – 42/80

Books Read


I buddy read The Final Empire with Toni@Readingtonic and we both absolutely loved it. I have to say most fantasy I read by female authors have much more emotions in their story but the world in this and the plot was just wow. I especially enjoyed pace and all the shocking twists in last two parts. I till haven’t written a review but it will be up later this week.

Sad Glad is heartwarming and lovely book for both kids and adult alike that imparts invaluable lessons of acknowledging the full spectrum of emotions and the beauty of embracing one’s emotions.

The Boy Who Built a Secret Garden is amazing tribute to Nek Chand’s legacy, offering children a great message of pursuing dream and passion.

Mum in a Mess is heartwarming and lovely children’s book about parental issues, family bond and importance of empathy and assistance.


The Bump is captivating and charming LGBT contemporary with unique plot, interesting characters and their heartfelt parenthood journey. I really enjoyed this especially characters’ growth and their journey.

Addicted to You is an emotional, raw and realistic new adult contemporary romance that have authentic portrayal of struggle with addiction. Apart from slow first half and Lily’s some of actions, I loved both characters’ realistic, raw and intense journey to fight addiction.

Christmas at The Little Duck Pond Cafe is a feel-good, heartwarming, and cozy chick-lit. I enjoyed seeing developments in relationship of previous books’ characters and also in Fen’s character.

How To Win An Election is entertaining and enjoyable middle grade fiction with realistic and relatable approach to middle grade elections. I just didn’t like the end due to a couple of issue were kept unresolved.


Mr. Hook up

Mr. Hook Up was enjoyable workplace romance, had lots of potential and it hooked me to the story for most part. I just wish there was more drama and complexities and a more balanced portrayal of intimacy and emotional depth.

Blog Stats

May 2024 stats

June Plan

Now that I’m back to my house, I hope to get some routine and also start workout again after a month of break. Also I hope to dedicate fix time to reading this month.

Check out May highlights and books read in this May 2024 Wrap Up post.#May2024wrapup #BooksreadinMay #Mayhighlights #Monthinreading . Share on X
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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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