Bloody Heart
Review,  Romance

Bloody Heart (Brutal Birthright #4) by Sophie Lark

Bloody Heart is engaging, fast-paced, action-packed, and second-chance mafia romance.

Bloody Heart

Bloody Heart (Brutal Birthright #4) by Sophie Lark

Publication Date : October 28, 2020

Read Date : December 1, 2023

Genre : Mafia Romance

Pages : 404

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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Previous Books in This Series –

Brutal Prince (Book 1)
Stolen Heir (Book 2)
Savage Lover (Book 3)


When you get a second chance, you don’t wait for a third…

Simone Solomon lives in a gilded cage. She’s been raised to wealth, privilege, and above all, obedience.

Hiding in the back of a limousine, dreading another tedious gala, Simone is abducted by a mafioso who intended to steal a car, not a girl.

Dante Gallo looks like a beast and behaves like one, too — until he lays eyes on Simone. Their attraction is irresistible, even if they’re completely wrong for each other.

Simone is willing to risk everything for Dante — until the disastrous night that splits them apart.

Fate grants her one more chance to reconnect with the man she can’t forget. But Simone has a secret… a mistake she fears Dante will never forgive…


Bloody Heart follows the story of the eldest Gallo son, Dante, and his love for Simone. As this is the fourth book in the Brutal Birthright series, we know pretty much about Dante so far- he is big hulking man who can break people like a twig, has a broken heart and he still seems to love that girl, he joined the military but we don’t know why…

In Bloody Heart, we get more background on Dante’s life, how he met Simone, what happened between them, why they broke apart, why he joined the military, and how they meet once again to have their second chance.

Writing is as captivating and fast-paced as previous books. It was hard to put the book down even though I could predict almost all the turns. Plot seemed to keep changing- first, it was a forbidden romance, then it switched to secret pregnancy, assassination plot along with second chance romance.

Even with all the predictability, I enjoyed knowing Dante and Simone more. They hit off right from the beginning with sparkling chemistry and hot sexy scenes. I liked how their different background and family’s disapproval kept the plot tense. I felt for both of them.

They both deserved support and love but Simone’s family was unbelievably rigid and unnecessarily harsh and when they finally succeded in putting the seed of doubt in Simone’s mind I wanted to hug Dante even more. Unfortunate events, a difficult pregnancy, and Simone’s parents’ last cruel act of taking away Simone’s child made me dislike them even more.

I liked Simone for sharing her son even though it hurt her. Her love for her sister was real and genuine. I also liked her for not hiding anything from her son except who his father is and where he lived. When she was back in Chicago after nine year, she was right be afraid of Dante as he isn’t man to forgive such huge secret and for taking away his chance to be father to Henry and as expected he reacted badly.

What I liked most about Dante is, even after his quick temper, hurt of betrayal, he still loved Simone and even though he didn’t like Simone for hiding Henry from him, he could ruminate over wht might have made Simone do exactly what she did rather taking it out on her right there.

The assassination plot was really exciting. While I could predict most of the plot, I couldn’t identify who might be behind the assassination and why until it was revealed. I enjoyed the chase and action in the last 20% of the book. I loved the introduction of Raylan and now I can’t wait to read his and Riona’s story.

Why 3.5 stars-

While I didn’t mind all the plot switch much one thing I feel was not dealt properly was what Simone’s family think about Dante and Simone back together again. I also don’t get why Simone waited all these year to get back to Dante.

I get it that first few years she was trying to stand on her feet, save for Henry to get him back in her life but after the death of her sister, she could contact him. I also get her fear of Dante’s reaction but it was obvious she was miserable without him so why not face it before than wait for fate to put them in front of each other and when it actually happened, she lied and was not planning to introduce Henry until she was sure she wanted Dante and he has forgiven her for leaving him.

Overall, Bloody Heart is engaging, fast-paced, action-packed, second-chance mafia romance. While it’s not the best book in the series I would still recommend this to fans of the series.

You might like Bloody Heart if you like,

Mafia Romance
Forbidden Romance
Second Chance trope
Assassination Plot
Secret pregnancy

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