Good and Bad Bookish Habits
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My Good and Bad Bookish Habits

Hello readers! I hope you all are well and in the mood for another of my post. This might be the most discussed post in the book world and it might be late writing about my bookish habits seeing I have been blogging for more than 5 years and still never talked about it (except in comments here and there) but you know I have habit of jumping on the train at last minute or wait to catch another train that suits my time and mood like we (or maybe just me) read books after the hype dies down and books are at a lower price so it doesn’t affect our joy for reading and also my pocket. So good and bad Bookish Habits are something very interesting to read about and I hope you find My Good and Bad Bookish Habits interesting too. Yes, I’ll list both because it is very unrealistic if I say I have only good habits! Let’s see which one I have the most…

Good and Bad Bookish Habits

My Good Bookish Habits

I read all books I receive or buy

I hate to disappoint anyone, even myself, once I committed to do something and that sure applies to books. As for my own books, I invested my money for a reason so definitely I’m not wasting money on something I’m not going to read. It’s altogether another point that certain books have been on the shelf for years. But like I said I’m going to read them, when is not the point.

I review every book I read

It might sound weird or a waste of time for some but I enjoy writing reviews. I started blog writing reviews and they give me a lot more than just content for the blog.

I don’t like destroying books

No breaking spine or dog-earing the page or tearing pages just because I didn’t like the book and I need to use them as props on Instagram… No, I like to keep my books as they arrived.

I love Bookmarks and I actually use them

Yes, they aren’t just to showcase on Instagram or other social media. I love bookmarks and love to use them than other random things on hand. I have used them when I’m in hurry or when I misplace them or when my kid has torn them… it’s also a reason I embroidered my bookmarks recently but that mischievous kid also ruined it, don’t ask me how! But the point is, I prefer bookmarks.

Annotating books

Who doesn’t like to annotate? If you say ‘me’, you haven’t tried it yet. I absolutely love making my books personal and it also makes me pay more attention to what I read. to my husband’s annoyance, it also gives me a reason to buy more stationery!

I rarely DNF book

Reading this, all book lovers would like to shake me hard like we wish to shake the annoying characters in books and would like to put this point in bad habits. But for some reason, I find it hard to DNF books. I also wrote a post on it. Check it out HERE.

I’m sure of what I will like

Call it luck or whatever but I know what I like and what I will enjoy and luckily I have rarely or very occasionally been wrong about it. It’s also a reason you see more 4 star and 5 star books on this blog.

Dusting my bookshelves more than the house

My mother and mother-in-law and also some relatives might give me a look but this is something only a book lover gets.

Organizing my books and TBR more than my life

Yes, another similar point to the previous one. What can I say, I’m a legit book lover. 😂

I read series in order

That is something I don’t regret. As a series lover, I know how important the first book is even though it isn’t really good and I love to know everything about the world and characters than just diving into the current book and scratching my head and figuring out what the hell is going on.

I plan my TBR that also has space for mood reading

This is something I might elaborate more with a separate post (if I’m in the mood). But in short, this helps me organize my reading.

My Bad Bookish Habits

Ever increasing TBR pile

A book lover is never short of books and being a blogger and NetGalley member there are always lots of options. If you’re on the list of even a single publisher, the reading stack just keeps going tighter and higher and the books we keep buying is doesn’t help that. I’m no different and now I’m at a point I don’t want to reveal how many books I still have to read.

Buy whole series without reading first book

If you know me for long time you must know I love series. If I’m given a choice between a series and a standalone book, I would always choose the series. I like to read them in order and if the series is complete even better. I find it inconvenient to read get one book, read them and then buy next book in series. I love to have them together and binge read than see if i like the first book and if it’s worth getting next book. Yes it might be bad idea for some readers but I trust reviewers and popular books that I’m sure I will enjoy and I haven’t been wrong about it so far.

Judging books by cover

Only thing I have to say is, “who doesn’t?” I love beautiful covers and they of course look amazing on shelf and on Instagram and if reviews are positive, I’m sure getting it.

Starting new book at bedtime

This is the reason I read past bedtime. I have been a night owl before my kid but habit of reading at bedtime and even worse starting new book at bedtime still makes me stay a night owl.

Buying or receiving book then forgetting I have the book on my shelf or on kindle

This isn’t deliberate and it doesn’t happen often but it happens. Yes I have a TBR list but if you’re a book lover you know they are dreadful to look at.

Already have too many commitment and still accepting another review request

I don’t have to anything to say for that, I know it’s terrible but that also makes me human, maybe one of those grey characters we love.

Not reviewing every book on Amazon

Now that is something I’m not in habit of doing. There is already too many platform to share review and adding Amazon on the top is too much. It feels like a job I don’when I try to share review everywhere

Accepting requests or NetGalley widget when I already have too many books to read

Sorry but I’m not sorry but I still feel sorry and… it’s infinite loop.

Thank you for reading! Let’s chat..,

How many of these you can relate to?
What are some of your good and bad bookish habit?

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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