Weekly wrap up

Weekly Wrap up

Hello readers! I hope you all are well and had great weekend. It’s been a good week but it ended with sad news.

My husband’s cousin, just 2 year older than him, was in hospital for a month. He had COVID, got stable but had oxygen dependency and we got news he had stroke due to brain lesion. 5th and last attempt to put him on ventilator worked but it wasn’t adjusted right it and now family is thinking about the tough decision. It’s been tough weekend emotionally for my husband and his family. My husband might be traveling today to visit family. Please don’t take COVID symptoms lightly and take care of yourself and your family.

Last Week I Read

The Shadow Watch (The Shadow Watch #1) by S.A. Klopfenstein

This was impressive first book. I enjoyed characters and world that gave Grishaverse vibe. I hope I get a chance to read next books in series. If you missed my review, click HERE.

The Winter Song by Saurav Dutt

This was touching and emotional journey of 64 yrs old John who lost his wife and son and to atone his guilt and regret to feel closer to his wife he made promise to her while she was dying that he would go on pilgrimage on foot. It was well written and beautiful with past chapters that gave more character depth and present with journey. He was complex character. I enjoyed book until last 20% of the book. It might be 4 stars from me. Review will be up tomorrow.

Currently Reading

The Prince And The Nightingale by Abhishek Bhatt

On the eve of India’s Independence, Maharaja Uday Singh, the King of Ranakpour, urges his children to find their place in the new India as their 800-year rule on the princely state comes to an end. Stripped of his royal status, Uday Singh’s middle son, Abhimanyu, lands in Bombay to follow his passion – cricket.

While the young prince tries to adapt to life in the metropolis as a commoner, he meets Meera Apte, a struggling, working class singer with an angelic voice, and they bond over their common interest: Indian classical music.

Soon, Abhimanyu finds himself torn between familial duties and his growing passion for Meera.

Finally, the lovers make a choice that will change their destinies forever.

I’m 100 pages through this book and so far I’m enjoying this historical romance, a story of prince stripped off his title after his father signed merger of his kingdom with independent India, looking for leading his own fate and making his own name in Mumbai where he met a middle class Classical singer Meera. I’ve little idea where this is going but I’m curious to it.

Next I’ll be Reading

Everyday Magic by Charlie Laidlaw

Carole Gunn leads an unfulfilled life and knows it. She’s married to someone who may, or may not, be in New York on business and, to make things worse, the family’s deaf cat has been run over by an electric car.

But something has been changing in Carole’s mind. She’s decided to revisit places that hold special significance for her. She wants to better understand herself, and whether the person she is now is simply an older version of the person she once was.

Instead, she’s taken on an unlikely journey to confront her past, present and future.

Everyday Magic is an uplifting book filled with humour and poignancy, and reminds us that, while our pasts make us who we are, we can always change the course of our futures.

I’m always in for uplifting books. I have read two books by the author and I enjoyed both of them. I can’t wait to read this one.

Links I enjoyed last week


Book Series Review : Strange The Dreamer by Laini Taylor @celinelingg


5 Amazing Fantasy Reads If You Loved Shadow and Bone @Reads & Reels

Posts on Blog

Monthly wrap-up

Shadow watch – Book Review

Her Sister’s Baby – Book Blitz

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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