Book Blogging rules/advices I Follow and Don’t Follow
Hello Readers! I’m trying to write a discussion post, something out of comfort zone and to make it happen I made a resolution overnight. I know this is a much discussed topic and there are tons of posts out there but I thought maybe giving it personal touch might make it good to post among already existing. Don’t know if I succeeded or not, you can tell me in comments after reading this post. So here are, book blogging rules/advices I Follow and Don’t Follow-
Book Blogging rules I Follow
Write what you want to read
That isn’t just for book writers. I follow that rule with my posts, basically reviews, and so far it has worked well for me.
Be consistent
I don’t have a set of rules though like how many reviews per week or it should be only one post a day or something only I post regularly. I take break in weekends unless I can’t get weekdays dates for tours/blitz I signed up for.
Be engaging
I try to like, share and comment as much as possible. Though I admit not all posts makes me comment and obviously it would be impossible to comment on each and every post but I make sure I have commented on at least 3 blogs daily and if I’m not commenting I at least like and share them on Twitter.
Have calendar
I keep a blogging calendar as I participate in tours or I have promised review on a particular day (usually I avoid that and give rough idea like ‘review will be up in May’ or something. Less stress that way!) and I’m forgetful person. I just forget it if there isn’t reminder or something written in paper and is there in front of my eyes. Calendar is must for me.
Other small but important things
Updated about page – It annoys me when I see no about information or I see that WP default About me page even though blog is around for more than 6 months. I learned very early, it’s most visited page of the blog and kept it updated ever since I started blogging.
Sign up or WP follow button – It’s another thing I make sure I have on my blog. When I switched to self-hosted I didn’t have WP follow button and had to search code for it. It make it easy for WP users to follow and there is email sign up for non-WP users.
Enable links to open in new tab – I don’t like it on when I click link it opens in same tab specifically when I’m using phone and going back to original post becomes tough.
Book Blogging rules I don’t follow
I don’t schedule my post
Shocking, right? You must be thinking how I managed 4 yrs of blogging. Well, this doesn’t work for me. There is always something to do, reading, blog hopping and daily chores and honestly after so many hours spent on laptop I don’t want to look at screen at the end of the day. You might be saying why not do it in weekends when you’re not posting. Well, I have family, now that my parents are nearer, half the time I’m at their place, I want watch to TV, movie, series and let’s not forget reading. I know these all sounds like excuse but hey, I tried and it didn’t work.
So how I manage? I have habit of writing reviews as soon as I finish the book in word document. So hardest part is already done days ago. As for the formatting and all I do it when I’m in mood for it when I have time. (mostly it’s on the day of tour or whenever I have blank space in calendar)
No Memes
I did Monday meme for few years but then I switched to Weekly wrap up that I can post either on Sunday or Monday without making it meme and I also can include other things, links I enjoyed, life updates and much more. I love bookish prompts, I love seeing bloggers posting list books for particular prompts on every Tuesday but I don’t think I have many books to participate in it. I mean yes for a year or two I would love it but then what? I don’t want to repeat the books. So, I don’t want to do Tuesday posts. Don’t see any point with Wednesday WWW post when I’m already saying that thing in weekly wrap-up. All other daily memes out there doesn’t inspire me.
I’m not always there on social media
I spend most of my time reading and blogging. Recently I’m on Instagram more but never more than an hour. For twitter or Goodreads! I would pop, post, scroll for exactly 5 mins and disappear. I do like, retweet, reply and all those things but only when I have time.
Thank you for reading! Let’s chat…
What advice or Book Blogging rules you follow or don’t follow?
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Stephen Writes
Great post, Yesha! I find scheduling posts essential lol but that is a really good point about links opening in a new tab. Not something one might think of but I completely agree with you!
Books Teacup and Reviews
Most bloggers find scheduling essential. I agree not all remember enabling link to open in new tab. Thank you, Stephen! 😀
Susy's Cozy World
These are all great advices! I find that for myself a calendar doesn’t work, sadly, because I’d love to keep it but in the end I cannot be bothered. I can be quite lazy. But I love scheduling, I write what I am in the mood for writing when I have the time to do it (time is almost always the crucial part) and then I can feel happy for the work done. Sometimes it is a trial s and errors process to find what really works for you! 😊
Books Teacup and Reviews
I agree! It’s always trial and error thing. Every blogger learn their way through experience and everything works for everyone.
ashley @ socially awkward bookworm
Great post! 😀 I don’t schedule any of my posts either. I usually write them in the moment or I’ll draft my monthly wrap ups/book hauls and continue to add to them throughout the month. But other ones, I usually just write on the spot. Sometimes I’ll write reviews in my “notes” app on my phone to post later if I don’t have time to blog. I try to be engage with other bloggers as much as possible. I know it can be hard sometimes, so I try to spend one day a week or every other week and just comment as much as I can during that day.
It’s great to know there are people like me who don’t schedule posts. And being spontaneous is great. Thank you! ❤
Oh, I am so with you in regards to opening links in new tabs. I don’t “always” remember, but most of the time I do. When I click on somebody’s link, I don’t want the page I’m currently reading to disappear on me!
I always remember as I don’t want something that I don’t like in other blogs happening with mine. Thank you for reading and comment! 😀
Janel (Keeper of Pages)
Be consistent is one I’m getting back to after taking an extended blogging break, I’m started small with one post a week and will see how it goes from there. Funnily enough, I schedule all my posts. I love “bookish rambling” posts when bloggers talk about books and other topics 😊
It’s good to see you back, Janel! taking slow is good. I have seen some non-book bloggers posting once a month and still doing good . I hope it work same way for us too. Thank you!❤
chelsea @ your bookish friend
definitely think i need to set myself a schedule or something to keep track of everything. thanks for the helpful post.
I’m glad you enjoyed this post. Thank you for reading and comment. I appreciate it.
I never knew you never scheduled your posts!! You have been really consistent, and I am now thinking maybe I should do a weekly wrap-up just like you instead of doing reading updates every couple of days… I liked how you try to engage with your followers and other fellow bloggers. So many commendable things you have done there, Yesha!
I said it somewhere, maybe in comments that I don’t schedule post but never written it in post.
I would do that reading update daily or every couple of days on social media but on blog, when I read one book at a time at slow pace, it might get repetitive so wrap up is good one and it makes it easy to include so many things done or happened over the week.
Thank you, Noriko! ❤
Teri Polen
If I lost my blog calendar, there would be serious trouble. I’d be completely lost. I’ve tried scheduling posts in the past, but for some reason it never works. WP doesn’t post them even after I’ve triple checked the times and dates.
I lost my calendar once, it was hell, I missed publishing two tour post. Learned my lesson!
I tried that WP scheduling few times when I have to post in UK time that’s at evening in my time zone. Written post in morning and scheduled to post whenever tour organiser want. It worked okay for me.
Great post. Maybe I should do a blog on what I post. Everyone has their way of posting. 🙂
Yes, everyone has different way and whatever they do it work in its unique way.
This is a great post. I’m new to blogging and I like to see what more established bloggers do and don’t do. Thanks.
Ha, never thought myself established but I’m so happy you like this post and it can help a little.
I’m impressed that you don’t schedule posts. I have to do that or I would rarely get things up. A calendar is definitely a must for me. 🙂
I know and most bloggers schedule posts , it’s kind of thumb rule but that never worked. Calendar is definitely staple of blogging.
I should have stated that I use a Calendar/planner for mine. I’m not very good with technology at times, so it’s easier for me to write everything down. I think it’s great that you can make posts and publish them right away.
I get that. For me, it’s more about time and mood and how I’m managing according to it.
Ashmita | thefictionaljournal
high five! Our don’ts are the same XD. And that was a great advice, like not saying something like i will have it up on blah blah. Cause i always end up forgetting geez. Thankx. I will do that from now.💜
Thank you. That’s great to know. I made lot of blunder with not keeping calendar, mixed the dates and all so it is must. It’s not something nobody told me but something I learned hard way.
Claudia DCD
Clicked this post instantly mostly because I loved the individualization, the idea that there’s tons of writing advice but here’s what you kept and what you threw away. I love the Twitter idea! What a great way to integrate networking and it’ll make sure my Twitter feed isnt all my stuff, which feels a bit too self-promo spam for me.
Thank you! My twitter is all blog posts I shared and retweeting what other bloggers shared, there are only few my own thoughts or something else and I bet they get lost in ocean of tweets.
Claudia DCD
Definitely. Standing out on Twitter is so hard for me. It just feels like a huge ocean
I guess sharing feed posts as support made it easy for me to connect with bloggers authors and also with visibility. I didn’t have to try to get followers.
Claudia DCD
Visibility is my downfall rn, so this is eye opening!
It’s never too late to start working on it. 🙂
Briana | Pages Unbound
This is how I feel about a lot of blogging advice, too! I used to do memes, but I really don’t like doing them anymore, and I don’t even read most of them at this point, unless it’s a discussion post based meme like “Let’s Talk Bookish.”
I admit I’m 50/50 on remembering to make my links open in a new tab. :p
I don’t read that Friday first line posts. I just see what the book is, hit like and move to other posts.
I like that let’s talk bookish thing. It’s something for person like me who doesn’t know how to come up with ideas but can talk if topic was given. They are great at making me comment on post.
Haha, it’s all about making it habit and now I remember to hit enable button for links even in sleep.
Excellent post, Yesha. I don’t normally schedule posts either. I need to update the about page as well. We do have some things in common! <3
That’s great to know Mischenko and thank you! ❤
Maya Rajesh
This was really interesting to read! Oftentimes I’m not sure which advice is true and which advice is simply speculation but this post really helped putting things in perspective. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you, Maya! Most advices are true and are even right but we don’t know what to follow until we are doing it see if it’s working for us or not. I have seen many saying ‘scheduling is life saver’ and I’m like ‘okay, let’s do it’ but that never worked for me!
Yes a blog calendar is essential, so as not to double book days, and to be able to see at a glance what is coming up. Great post. Thanks
Yes, calendar is more lifesaver than scheduling posts. 😁 Thank you, Emma!❤