

Hello Readers! I read 2 books last week and both were amazing. It was my daughter’s second birthday on 4th but poor kid caught cold on the same day and was crying a lot because of running nose. This is first time in 2 years she felt a little ill. But with 2 dose of syrup and a day of rest, she was running in house like nothing happened. Have I mentioned before, she speaks few words now? She has started with hard one – Biscuit, Yesha (she says mama but she keep speaking name as well, must have caught it from my husband), Akshay (that’s my dad’s name) and can say ABC till E.

What I read last week –

Black River (Jess Bridges Mystery #1) by Joss Stirling

Black River was light and hardboiled opening book of Jess Bridges Mystery series that revolved around the murder cases in Oxford’s wild swimming spots and main characters Jess and Leo involved with the cases. It was about difficult family relationship, abusive childhood, friendship, online trolling and abuse, ADHD, manipulation, and obsessive disorder. It was fun, entertaining, action-packed and well written mystery with interesting characters and atmospheric setting. Full Review.

Memories in the Drift by Melissa Payne

It’s my second book by author and is even better than The Secret of Lost Stones. I wasn’t expecting this book to make cry. I’m amazed by the setting of Whittie, Alaska. This was amazingly moving and touching women’s fiction with main character suffering from anterograde amnesia, about redemption forgiveness, living in present, giving second chance to life and loved ones. Review will be up tomorrow.

Next I’ll be Reading –

The Demons’ Play by Holly Ann

This illness is my demon and this book is my therapy. I have symptoms like these and I want to help you see what it’s like to feel like me.

The Demons’ Play is a book about mental health like no other; a play within a book experience based on the author’s own personal experiences.

We are introduced to fifteen characters, all with different mental disorders including depression, PTSD, bipolar disorder, grief, and schizophrenia. Their personal stories and group therapy sessions are interspersed with images, poems, and thoughts all related to their illnesses. 

Lyrics & Curses (Cursed Hearts #1) by Candace Robinson

Lark Espinoza could get lost in her music—and she’s not so sure anyone in her family would even care to find her. Her trendy, party-loving twin sister and her mother-come-lately Beth, who’s suddenly sworn off men and onto homemaking, don’t understand her love of cassette tapes, her loathing of the pop scene, or her standoffish personality. For outcast Lark, nothing feels as much like a real home as working at Bubble’s Oddities store and trying to attract the attention of the cute guy who works at the Vinyl shop next door—the same one she traded lyrical notes with in class.

Auden Ellis silences the incessant questions in his own head with a steady stream of beats. Despite the unconditional love of his aunt-turned-mother, he can’t quit thinking about the loss of his parents—or the possibility he might end up afflicted with his father’s issues. Despite his connection with lyric-loving Lark, Auden keeps her at arm’s length because letting her in might mean giving her a peek into something dangerous.

When two strangers arrive in town, one carrying a mysterious, dark object and the other playing an eerie flute tune, Lark and Auden find that their painful pasts have enmeshed them in a cursed future. Now, they must come to terms with their budding attraction while helping each other challenge the reflection they see in the mirror. If they fail, they’ll be trapped for eternity in a place beyond reality.

*Set in 1985 and full of nostalgia! Perfect for fans of Stranger Things and Pretty in Pink! 

Music and curse, doesn’t that sounds interesting combination? I’m participating in Blitz this Wednesday but I can’t read and review book by that time but I plan to finish this by weekend.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this post! Let me know in comments what you are currently reading and planning to read next, or if you have read any of these books.

Happy Reading!

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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