
Books Teacup and Reviews turns 3!

It’s 3rd birthday of this blog! Can you believe? I still can’t, it feels like yesterday.

I remember, it took me hours to write first review, oh hell, even spent days thinking what I will write in about section of this blog. And now, I have written total 774 posts and 323 reviews so far, along with blitz, interview, guest post and many promotional posts.

Best thing happened this year was getting first physical ARC from publisher, getting NetGalley auto-approval badge and getting books from publisher(s) and authors. It feels a great achievement, when authors I have worked with comes back and appreciate my reviews and posts. It was amazing seeing growth of this blog. I made friends, chat with some and love to talk with some in comments, and share views on books.

I absolutely had no hope I will come so far. And let’s see how far,

  • When I started blog, I didn’t know a thing about writing or blogging. Yes, I remember spending days by watching tutorial and asking around if I had any question. Now I can write at least (not better but at least satisfactory and I’m confident).
  • When I started reading back in 2015, I read 2 books a month. When I started blogging, I could read 4 a month. Now I read 7-8 books a month.
  • In early days, I was not sure I would blog this long. I just quit job, recovering from stroke, and was looking for new job. So it didn’t work and then we plan kid. Now I’m happy stay-at-home parent of 17 months old cute daughter. I blog and read in between her schedule.
  • So like every Newbie, I didn’t know what’s ARC, didn’t know how to write email to publisher, or if there was thing like free books. I know I was scratching my head when somebody wrote I got this book for review and I asked myself ‘is that even possible? how did they got it for free?Now, I say no to most of review requests. I even reduced joining tours for review. Now I ask how some bloggers even manage to read so much and so fast!
  • Before it was all about numbers, now it’s about consistency and interactions.

What I hope to learn in future-

  • Write posts in advance. Yes, I still don’t write posts in advance and schedule them. What can I say I’m not that organized person.
  • Write discussion posts– Ahem, I haven’t written a single discussion post so far. This is review blog and I did that only. I started writing those book list posts this year and I hope to write them more. Maybe I’ll join top 10 Tuesday or something but I wish I can get some idea on discussion posts and write them.
  • Speed reading– This is just dream! A girl can dream, right? I know some finish whole book in 3 hours or in a day. Some read 20 books a month! Some say it was my breakfast read (I’m looking at you, Shalini 😉). It will be a dream come true if I can read that many pages in a day or even 15 books a month. What can I say, there’s so many books to read and I have never ending TBR!

I love this blog and book world and most of all blogging community.

So that’s all! I thank you all for love and support! ❤
Stay safe at home and keep reading and blogging! ❤

Let me know what do you like about this blog most? If there’s anything you would like me to improve? Which type of post you would like me to write more? Also let me know about your blog story. When you started blogging and what inspired you?


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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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