

Hello readers! Last week in reading was good. I managed to read 3 books 2 short stories and 1 novel. All books were great. I don’t know if it is better time management or my reading speed is improved, but This month I’m reading more than usual. I hope to read 3 more by the month end.

Here is how my week looked in diary-

What I read-

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I just published review of The Bus ride and I will post reviews of Lullaby of Flames and The way Home this week.

Currently Reading –

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A Different Kind of Love Story

Love is a force of nature. It speaks to us all. It has a life all of its own.
But what if love is unrequited?
How would it make you feel?
How far would you go to satisfy your desires?
On the eve of the end of World War 2, three people will find themselves on a different kind of battlefield.
Cupidity – Passion doesn’t come in shades of grey. It is black and white

This a different read. As it says “A different Kind of Love Story”. I haven’t read anything like this. I’m only 25% into this book and I’m already feeling dread for characters and how it’s going to destroy their life. I can feel relationship between characters won’t be same at the end of the book.


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“That bird should be destroyed!”

Andreas stared at Ethelbert in shock. Blood from an angry-looking gash on the young lord’s cheek dripped onto his embroidered tunic. Andreas clutched the handles of the basket containing the young peregrine. Perhaps this was a dream—

Andreas, an apprentice falconer at Castle Kragenberg, cannot bear the thought of killing the young female falcon and smuggles her out of the castle. Soon he realizes that his own time there has come to an end, and he stows away, with the bird, in the cart of an itinerant trader, Richard of Brugge. So begins a series of adventures that lead him from an obscure castle in northern Germany to the farthest reaches of Frederick von Hohenstaufen’s Holy Roman Empire, following a path dictated by the wily trader’s mysterious mission.

Andreas continues to improve his falconry skills, but he also learns to pay attention to what is happening around him as he travels through areas fraught with political unrest. Eventually, Richard confides in Andreas, and they conspire to free Enzio, the eldest of the emperor’s illegitimate sons, from imprisonment in Bologna.

The Falconer’s Apprentice is a story of adventure and intrigue set in the intense social and political unrest of the Holy Roman Empire in the thirteenth century.

This sounds different too. I like Falcons, it would be interesting to know a bit more about them along with the story.

If I managed to read and write review of these two books I’ll start The Neighbours by Nicola Gill. And I’ll call it a month.

Let’s discuss!

What did you read last week?
What are you planning to read this week?
Have you read any of these books?


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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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