Children,  Nonfiction,  Review

#BlogTour #Review : Do Bugs Wear Shoes? by Addie Broussard @TwoUmbrellasPls @rararesources

Hello book lovers! today I’m happy to share my review as part of blog tour for Do Bugs Wear Shoes?, organized by Rachel @Rachel’s Random Resources. many thank to Rachel for tour invite and to author for providing review copy of this wonderful book. I hope you enjoy this post.
Do Bugs Wear Shoes Cover.jpg

Do Bugs Wear Shoes? by Addie BroussardAnthony Puttee

Publication Date: October 31st 2018
Publisher:  Two Umbrellas Media
Read Date: October 30th 2018
Genre: Non-Fiction / Children’s book / Educational
Target Age: Children’s – ages 4 – 10
Page: 36
Stars: 5/5
5 star


A colorful, fun-filled book packed with answers to all your silliest bug questions! 
Learn what happens when a bug goes to space, to school, and to the gym. Find out if bugs have feelings like people do. Discover robot bugs, dancing bugs, bugs that poop and so much more!
Filled with illustrations, photographs and interactive videos, Do Bugs Wear Shoes will have kids laughing and learning as they discover awe-inspiring facts about the insect world. This beautifully designed book is organized into colorful two-page spreads that each focus on a different question, making it easy and fun to read for children and big kids alike.

BOOK EXTRAS include videos and printable worksheets for extended learning. Great for educators and at-home learning.

PLUS, vote on the world’s most beautiful bug!

Recommended for ages 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and up.

Don’t miss out on the chance to bug out!

This was an educational scientific picture book on entomology telling about the bugs and insects and different classes of insects, varieties, how bugs are different from insects, some fun facts and scientific findings.

Author has collected many info in just few pages of the book starting from what is entomology to classification, importance of scientific names, and so many unbelievable facts that I didn’t know before like- strongest, smallest, loudest bug, bug dance and poops and also if bugs can survive in space and Antarctica. It was amazing to read about such interesting things that teacher can teach kids in classroom. There were activity questions at end of some chapters that kids would enjoy finding answers to.
I loved all macro pictures of insects and bugs along with the illustrations in the book. There were links at the end of the book for additional information and videos on the publisher website that curious kids would love to explore. Most exciting thing is there is Bug book art pack available on publisher’s website as well that you can download for free ⇒ Here ⇐ (Don’t forget to check out the resource link available below to get Cool Halloween Art Pack.)
This was newer fun way for kids to learn and author made it enjoyable with colorful graphics and text with simple approach. It will definitely raise curiosity in kids and involve them in discussion, even those who are less interested in this subject.
Overall, this was colorful educational and a perfect classroom book I recommend to all teachers and kids.

Author Bio:

addie-anthony-pic-01.jpgTwo Umbrellas is an educational publishing company that fuses education and storytelling.  We offer books and activities to help parents and educators empower tomorrow’s leaders.
Our founders, Anthony Puttee and Addie Broussard, love to travel.  Anthony’s favorite trip was to Antarctica and he has included some of his personal photos in this book.  Addie has traveled solo around the world. While in Portugal, she encountered a unique insect, which inspired a children’s book called The Beedog, which was published in 2018. The idea for Do Bugs Wear Shoes came from a playful team meeting on a rooftop in Mexico.

Social Media Links:

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Book resources at

Purchase Links:

Amazon UKAmazon US

*** Note: I received review copy of this book from the author as part of blog tour, in exchange for an honest review. ***

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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