Book Tag/Award

Unique Blogger Award (2)


I did this award before made 1 one post including 3 awards with different questions. This is second time I’m writing answers for this award and again nominated by 3 bloggers with different questions.

Thank you Kerry @ Chat About Books, Mischenko @ ReadRantrock&Roll and Virginia Rosepoint Publishing for nominating me to this award. I was tagged by Mischenko and Kerry long time ago, now that I checked which awards and tags I missed I found their question for this one. Don’t forget to checkout their blog, they all amazing and I love to read their posts. 

The Rules:

  • Share the link of the blogger who has shown love to you by nominating you.
  • Answer the questions.
  • In the spirit of sharing love and solidarity with our blogging family, nominate 8-12 people for the same award.
  • Ask them 3 questions.

Kerry’s Questions:

If you could invite any fictional character (from a book) for coffee, who would it be and where would you take them?

I can’t choose only one I love so many fiction characters! Percy Jackson, Isabelle Lightwood, Jace Wayland, Marcy Hammer from latest book I read, (She won’t fit in this age group but she is amazing) oh, and also Magnus Bane (he will conjure up the coffee to table). Gang of witties! (is that a word!) ok how about facetious gang? I know I’m terrible. you can suggest me a good name for them. I have Magnus I don’t have to take them to any coffee shop! But if you insist like Clary to take them out and genuinely pay, I know only one place, Starbucks (because I’m not coffee lover). 

If you were to organise a book blogger get together in your hometown, which venue would you choose?

Tough question. how about my home? First, I’m not living in my hometown. Second, we have only limited literary places in my hometown – Crossword bookstore, MJ Library, and British Library – that any book lover would love to visit. I don’t like Crossword (they don’t give discounts and also they don’t keep latest books or books that not very famous or not Indian author or new famous author. Every time I visit them here in Hyderabad I can’t find Leigh Bardugo’s books, I can’t find wonder woman, they just recently got Sophie Kinsella’s books on shelf. sometimes I think they should hire me!) Well as I’m not living in my hometown I’m not member of any library and I don’t know if they allow to visit non-members. Last time I went to MJ library was when I was in school with one of my dad’s friend who was member there. So let’s just meet at my place.

A favourite author is naming a character after you in their next book. What kind of character would you like to be?

I don’t mind If I’m a side character but I would prefer my character strong, sassy, and witty. Kickass female character. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Mischenko’s Questions:

What’s something unique about you?

I don’t know you tell me. I’m quirky (I don’t like anything conventional. Let’s just say I have different thoughts and people find it hard to digest), I’m direct person (I don’t like people don’t talk clear or speak their mind.), I’m good when I’m spontaneous. 

What’s a favorite book, movie, or song you enjoyed this month?

Favorite movie this month- sleepy hollow (Johnny Depp is my all time favorite) and Furry Vengeance (this was funny, I like Brendan Fraser’s movies). I watched them first time this week. 

What’s your favorite thing to do in your free-time and what do you love about it?

Reading or watching movies. It helps me to put reality, bad mood or stressful thoughts aside and enjoy for time being.

Virginia’s Questions:

When was the last time you bought or borrowed an audiobook, what was it, and was it as rewarding as reading would have been?

I didn’t. I will never read audiobooks. I mentioned this in Jay’s one of the posts- I don’t like if i don’t have words in front of my eyes. what if I want to bookmark page or highlight a  quote?? I’m not going to note down time in Hr:min:sec! it’s so inconvenient. For me, it’s just like listening movie and not watching it. 

The beginning of the year, there are myriad lists of reading challenges. Do you add challenges, find they increase your reading, or diversify your reading choices? Or not.

I participate in challenges just for fun. It never defines or affect my reading and I don’t read books just because it helps me complete challenge. I read what I like, bought, or requested on NetGalley or what I have received from authors. I read them and then fit them into challenge. 

It’s easy to come across little sayings in each book we read, something memorable. Have you begun to collect quotes, and if so when was your last, and what was the book and author?

I definitely collect quotes. I made a diary in which I note down quotes or saying I come across while reading. Last was from the latest book I read- Husbands and Other Sharp Objects by Marilyn Simon Rothstein. I forgot to write quote in the review so here they are-

“Once your children are a certain age, it is best to be agreeable. They’re going to do what they want anyway. Anything but agreeable comes off combative.”

“It was a cinch to start a friendship back then. You could make a friend waiting for a red light to turn green. At my current age, initiating a friendship practically took FBI clearance.”

My questions-

(You might know I’m real bad at coming up with new questions so I’m taking one from questions given to me)

  1. What’s something unique about you?
  2. A favourite author is naming a character after you in their next book. What kind of character would you like to be?
  3. It’s easy to come across little sayings in each book we read, something memorable. Have you begun to collect quotes, and if so when was your last, and what was the book and author?

I tag-

Nat @ the owl on the bookshelf

Kristin @ Kristin Kraves Books

Jasmine @ jasmine’s reading

Heather @ Heather Tasker

Katie @ Katie’s Book Cave

Hayley @ Hayley Reviews10

Kathy @ Books & Munches

and anybody who is interested in this award, consider yourself tagged.

(No compulsion but if you decide not to do this award just write answers in the comments)

You can answer any of the questions given to me in comment-box below. 

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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