Joshua N’Gon:Last Prince of Alkebulahn by Anthony Hewitt @NeverlandBT #Blogtour #Giveaway


Hello Book Lovers! It is my pleasure to be a part of the blog tour for Joshua N’Gon:Last Prince of Alkebulahn by Anthony Hewitt. Many thanks to author and Neverland Blog Tours for giving me a chance to read this high-tech book. Check out my review below and giveaway as well.

Joshua NGon Last Prince of  Alkebulahn by Anthony Hewitt.jpg

Published June 5th 2017 by Marksman Studios

Read Date: January 25th 2018

Genre: science-fiction, urban fantasy

Pages: 461

Stars: 3.75(that sums 4)/5

4 star_crop

Goodreads blurb_edited

Joshua N’Gon is a Fourteen year old foster child from Africa. He has grown up in a loving home in north London and for all intents and purposes he was an ordinary teenager. The reality though could not be further from the truth. Joshua is a mystery wrapped up in an enigma and he is beginning to understand he has a destiny that is far beyond what he could ever have imagined.

On his tenth birthday he receives a mysterious package from his birth parents. He is given articles of technology that even his young mind realized were so far beyond what he knew and understood that they were almost magical. Joshua straps on a tribal hierloom of obvious alien origin – a miraculous multi-tool he calls his RCT– Real Cool Tool that bonds with his arm and is irremovable. And so begin his physical changes too, the headaches, the flashes of genius, the visions and the amnesia.

With his friends Brick and Mina they slowly help him to unravel the mystery of who he is. In the meantime dark corporate forces are gathering in the horizon as Joshua’s talents and his interest in finding his family has piqued the curiosity of powerful people. Soon as his life and the life of those he loves are threatened he must come to grips with his gifts and the miraculous alien technology that founded his people.


Joshua was Urban Fantasy, Science-fiction novel set in London. It was full of technology and some Alkebulan mysteries.  It was about 14 year old, protagonist, Joshua uncovering the mystery of his parents, where he came from, and what was the motive of his birth gifts and magical high-tech bracelet that he received as birthday present.


Joshua was African boy with extra ordinary abilities but wanted to live ordinary life, was living with his loving step parents and brother. His tech freak mind has given him a ticket to academy for extraordinary kids in London. He was very nice person, loved his family, and made very good friends at academy. I liked his character and the mystery related to him. As I read more about him, I felt like there still more to know. His friends, Brick, Mina, Zion were very supportive and I liked their role specially Brick and his business mind. Antagonist was crazy power hungry who was banished by Joshua’s real folk. The creepy things he did with technology was interesting and shocking.

There were so many characters in the book that I can’t even count. They all were well described with all good-to-know info.

What I liked_edited

First thing that caught my attention and I loved was RTC- Real Cool Tool- Joshua’s bracelet that he got from his real parents as present. That bracelet was as he named it was really cool, it sent all kind of high tech info and data to his brain and protected him from threat. Sometimes I doubted whether Joshua was really brilliant or this tool made him brilliant! All the things he made in the book, the technologies and his BMX and video game talk was pretty interesting.

This book was more about getting to know characters more closely and providing the outline picture of the world. The more remarkable thing in the book was diverse characters. – African, Jamaican, British, Indian, all sort of characters were there in the book. I liked the atmosphere in the academy, their purpose of teaching extraordinary students and nurturing their extraordinary talent was really great.

The story was third person narrative in past and present telling all about Joshua’s life and the world building. -Who was Joshua and his parents, why he was spirited away from his land, how was his relationship with his foster family, his entry to St. Augustine academy, his school life and how he made such amazing friends- everything to know about Joshua was narrated very perfectly leaving no room for doubt. There was also narration about antagonist life, his banishments and what he did after that till present.

I was curious to know how Joshua will solve the mystery of his talent and bracelet and of his real parents. It felt actually weird that no one knew anything or could explain it to Joshua. Everything just kept indicating that he was being prepared for the time when he was ready to know the truth and also it was some kind of training. It was both upside and downside of the book.

I liked adventurous part, the task he was given by school as summer homework. The thing he invented for those tasks was pretty cool and his encounter with antagonist was entertaining. Climax was too high-tech. Book ended with cliffhanger with clear sign of next book in the series. But I still felt little weird as the mystery of Joshua’s gift and his parents still remained unsolved.

why not 5 stars_edited

Well, there wasn’t any thrill in all the high-tech activities and task he performed during climax, too much tech info suppressed the thrill. I had a feeling there was something missing in the book, may be because it was just the first book in the series or because mystery was not totally solved, that feeling never left me.  The narration related to antagonist and his activities was little confusing. I couldn’t figure out what his plan was. Even though I liked characters, I couldn’t connect with them, their feelings was not affecting me.


Overall, it was good but not great. I enjoyed it but at the same time it left me hanging. Those who are interested in technology, gaming and BMX will love this sci-fic.


About Author:

Anthony has been writing for over 15 years.  Mainly writing for mature readers, his genre of choice has always been speculative fiction. The YA category is such an exciting category that he wanted to include a diverse set of character with a different cultural perspective.  He’s enjoyed himself so much he intends to keep creating fantastic new stories for a 12+ audience.


Book website: www.thelastprince.co.uk

Amazon UK


2x hardback copies of the book

1 UK winner

1 International winner

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*** Note: I received eBook from the author, as a part of Neverland Blog Tours, in exchange for an honest review. ***

What do you think about this book and my review? Have read this book already? Have you read something similar to this book before? Share your thoughts in comment-box below.

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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