Saturday Short-Story Review: Complicated Us: This is just the beginning….. by Ashlyn, Raju Jana, Khushboo Rani Mahato

Hey book lovers! Hope you all having fab weekend! So today short story review is a Love story-

Complicated Us: This is just the beginning….. by Ashlyn, Raju Jana, Khushboo Rani Mahato

complicated us

Published: October 30th 2017

Read Date: January 5th 2017

Pages: 71

Stars: 2.5/5

2 n half_edited

Goodreads blurb_edited

They started off under strange condition. Things were complicated since the very beginning. From pity fights to painful breakups and typical long distance relationship, almost everything has to tried to pull them apart, but this couple has survived it all. Read the heartwarming story of Khushi and Ashwin. Although they began as an impulsive couple, see how things changed for them. Experience the transition from teenage and crazy to adulthood and maturity.


Complicated Us as said in the title is just the beginning of love story of young underage Khushi and Ashwin who started growing feelings for each other, going through ups and down of new found love, and growing up in life and as well as in love. It told in third person narrative about growing up in love, understanding feelings and supporting your lover in all conditions.


They were young and sweet. At first I thought I didn’t like Khushi for blaming Ashwin for minor things and breaking up over trivial matters. She was judging him with just one view, through one bad experience and I understood that but it was not strong enough that reason her childish behavior. She was too pampered I guess. She was okay at the end.

I loved Ashwin in first half of the book, he sounded more mature than Khushi and caring gentleman. He even blamed himself for what he was not exactly responsible for, never talked in angry voice to Khushi for all the absurd blames she threw towards him. He was good in almost whole book except from the climax to end. His action was childish and made me rethink all I have thought about him before.

“…it wasn’t that person who was the reason for her misery; it was the lack of explanation.”

What I liked_edited

Beginning was very nice, with smooth writing and story that instantly got me into the book. I liked the way author displayed characters and their life stories in just first few pages.

Conversations between Khushi and Ashwin was such a sweet. I loved the way they poured out their feelings and cared for each other. Emotions were such heartwarming and their pain touched the soul (in first half). I liked third person voice chipping in acknowledging the action of characters and the reasoning their actions. I so loved reading their thoughts for each other.

Love between characters was new, young, very innocent, and so sweet and adorable that made me smile.

 why not 5 stars_edited

As much as I agree that love, characters, and story was adorable, I can’t deny the fact that it all seemed very much childish. Even teens don’t break up on things that this characters took so seriously. I thought there might be so much ups and down that seriously made them to break up or pull apart like they caught on cheating or parents caught them and so forced them apart and that’s why long distance relationship… Alas, it was nothing like that!!

On one hand they claim to love each other like a soul mate while on the other hand they don’t understand their lover’s view point!! Like Khushi blaming Ashwin for message leaking (which wasn’t even dirty I tell you). Then Ashwin asking to not follow her dream just because she was moving to different city. Seriously!! Moving to different nation is long distance relationship these days. And they were meeting during vacations before she moves to city Ashwin was studying, so that time period I won’t call long distant or staying away for long.

I also have lived all that time period before marrying to a person I love and also have seen couples at the same age. No one behaves like this. It felt very old schooled Indian love story. In climax, the way they were behaving, was seriously way beyond childish, I couldn’t see a love there, I was constantly rolling my eyes during that part.

Characters didn’t develop as a person, they understood about their own feeling better at the end, appreciated each other’s feeling cared for each other but it was not at all that ideal how they presented it was, not mature love. May be it’s just the beginning as said in title but I wanted to see some serious development not those childish bickering.


Overall, it started well but ended up disappointing. It was one time read for me but definitely was heartwarming. If you wish to read very innocent and naïve love story, this is for you.


Author: Ashlyn, Raju Jana, Khushboo Rani Mahato

Buy Here: Amazon.in / Amazon.com

*** Note: I received review copy of this book from the author, in exchange for an honest review. I’m glad I got a chance to read this book. ***

What do you think about the book and review? Have read this book already? Have you read a similar to this before? Share your thoughts in the comment-box below.

Happy Reading! 🙂

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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