Fiction,  Review,  YA

Black Waters (Tainted Waters #2) by India R. Adams

black waters

Published: March 18th 2016 by India’s Productions

Read Date: May 24th 2017

Stars: 4.5/5 crop 4 and half_edited

Black Waters is the second book, novella of the “Tainted Waters” series, sequel of Blue Waters.

Really great thrilling romance. I loved reading this book.

Blurb (in my words)

Link, best friend of Whitney, has kept his real feelings hidden. When Crash enters Whit’s life, everything changes. Oblivious of link’s feelings, Whit fall for Crash. As secrets unravel, Link pledge to do anything for her best friend, even will sacrifice his friendship.

This book is about Link and his life.

My view:

Oh! I’m in love with this lines:

The waters that were once blue, once black, suddenly seemed tainted to me.

This book is rewriting of ‘Blue Waters” from Link’s POV. It’s life story of Link. About Link’s feelings- love, possessiveness, desperation to protect Whit, friendship- and dark side of his family.

“Black Waters” fills the gap or should I say give answers the unanswered questions of “Blue Waters”- What Link’s real feelings were for whit, how he discovered the truth about Crash, what was the unsaid relation between Link and Crash, and more important will he be able to save Crash and Whit at the end. This is answer of all the questions.

I do want to say what exactly I liked in the book but in doing so, I will give away lot more. So, in brief,–

This book was surprise package. Story coming from Link made me feel for the story and characters exactly how he thought. And may be that’s why I loved Crash in this book more than the first one. Again I loved the explanation for the title of the book. I liked starting of the book. It was exactly like the first book i.e. amazing. I love how India starts and decides to ends the book and exactly in the middle of the book she starts to open her cards one by one.

Whys 4.5? I have silly reason and I can’t write it here as it will be a spoiler. It’s not exactly a reason it’s my feelings. So, yeah you can ignore this section.

I just loved this book.

End of the book, was sad and yet sweet. And it also opens few questions for the next book of the series -“Red Waters”.

Who should read it? I recommend it to everyone. Romance lovers and those who enjoyed Blue Waters or like India’s writing will enjoy reading this book.

Author: India R. Adams

To more about her click here.

Read my review on the first novella “Blue Waters”here.


*** Note: I received review copy of this book from author, in exchange for an honest review. I am glad I got a chance to read this book. ***

What do you feel about the book and my review? Share you thoughts in the comments below.

Happy Reading! 🙂




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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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