Saturday Sort-Story Review

Saturday Short Story Review: Wisps of memory by Chris Sarantopoulos

Saturday Short Story Review

Hello Book lovers! Hope you all are having a great weekend! Today’s short story is general fiction, story of old man- Wisps of memory by Chris Sarantopoulos.

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Published: December 4th 2017 by Amazon Digital Services LLC

Read Date: December 15th 2017

Pages: 10

Stars: 3.75 that sums 4/5

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Goodreads blurb_edited

Ian is a loner middle-aged man who lives with the memories of his daughters and grandson, rather than with them. He hopes that they will remember him during the holiday. In the meantime, his nearly paralysed arm starts twitching uncontrollably. A couple of weeks before Christmas, his last friend leaves the country, and Ian finds himself with no one in his life. Day by day, he feels life is ebbing away from him.


The blurb says lot about the story. It revolved around 52 year old Ian who missed his daughters and grandson terribly. It was story about old age, loneliness, and a fear of death. The book had sad opening that started all fear in Ian. I immediately wanted to hear the story of this old man.

“The fine print near the end of the newspaper shocked Ian; loner found dead.”

Ian constantly feared that if he died no one would remember him. He feared that just like last year his daughters would not send letter and he would not be able to see his grandson this year as well. He was so engulfed in his grief and hope of getting letter that when life was escaping little by little from his body, he couldn’t realize it.

This book was very short and touching. I could feel the emotions of Ian. It was like his life was hanging on the just one weak hope and remembrance from the friends and family. As soon as his friend left for studies, his life started ebbing and poor guy hardly could stand till Christmas. The end of the book was terribly sad.

I had only one concern. I felt like something was missing. I wished there was more in the story. I wanted to know why his daughters couldn’t visit him or call him or why not at least send a letter! So I was wondering what went wrong. I wanted that bit of the story in this too.

Overall, story and concept was great and emotional. It was very quick read that you can take in between books. Those who love to read short stories I would recommend this one.


Author: Chris Sarantopoulos

To know more about author click Here.

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*** Note: I received ARC of this book from the author, in exchange for an honest review. I’m glad I got chance to read this story. ***

What do you think about the book and review? Have you read any book by this author? Have you read this book? Share your thoughts in the comment-box below.

Happy Reading! 🙂

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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