Saturday Sort-Story Review

Secret Agent Josephine in Paris by Brenda Ponnay

Saturday Short Story Review

Hey Everyone! I hope you all are having great time!

It’s Saturday already!! I was scavenging NetGalley yesterday to find a good short story for today. I do that sometimes and trust me that is like finding just a small little cupcake in the ocean of cakes and cupcakes and cookies and delicious sweet things. I have to control my finger from requesting books available there. Ahhh!! Finally I have got one. And I swear I just got this one book from ‘read now’ section.

This one is beautifully illustrated spy book for children and in Paris- Secret Agent Josephine in Paris by Brenda Ponnay.

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Published: November 5th 2013 by Xist Publishing

Read Date: September 23rd 2017

Pages: 20

Stars: 4.5/5

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Secret Agent Josephine is crafty mother and brave secret agent. Josephine gets a new work trip to Paris with her daughter Bug. The case is to catch a wanted art thief. Both mother and daughter spy duo fly to Paris to capture thief. But when she spots him, thief is one step ahead of her. Will her crafty skills help her in the case?


Get ready to visit Paris through pictures. This was a fun adventurous spy picture book set in Paris.

Josephine was quirky, fun-loving, and smart main character. Her adorable daughter was nice little spy who also helped her mother in her work.The duo together did sightseeing in Paris and also worked on their mission.

I liked the famous places in Paris pictured in the book. Museums, famous church, garden and monuments. I never visited Paris before and never knew the places mentioned in this book, so I just googled everything and checked it out. There were also basic French greeting phrases in the book that could be taught to children. So I feel, this book was fun way to teach children about places in Paris and little basic French.

All the crafty tricks of Josephine can inspire children. The book also give a message about never give up, stay cool in difficult situation and always double check your list whenever you are going out or planning a trip.

Fabulous illustrations. All pictures of places, and street, outfits of characters were very colorful and beautifully illustrated. I specially loved this page.

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There were fun things in the book like spy gears, Super-expanding spy bag, disguising outfits of secret agents, Top Secret file about thief, that will catch children’s eyes. I loved her red scooter that is on the cover.

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One thing only, I knew this basic greeting phrases in French but some children might not know about them, so I think little info and meaning about them at the end of the book, as an exercise or learning tip would have make it great.


Overall, it was entertaining and crafty picture book with bit of education that children especially girls interested in spy books would love to read.


Author: Brenda Ponnay

Publisher: Xist Publishing

Buy Here: /

*** Note: I received a copy of this book via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review. ***

What do you think about the story and review?? Have you read this book or any other book by Brenda Ponnay? Have you read any similar kind children fiction? Share you thoughts in the comment-box below.

Happy Reading and have a cheerful weekend! 🙂

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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