Fantasy,  Review,  YA

The Bride of Glass (Glass Vault, #2) by Candace Robinson


Expected publication: September 1st 2017 by CreateSpace

Read Date: August 31st 2017

Stars: 5/5

5 star_crop
The Bride of Glass is second book of Glass Vault series. Should be read in continuation of the first book, Quinsey Wolfe’s Glass Vault. You can read my review on first book HERE.
People turned to glass.
Souls are trapped in Glass Vault. 
Perrie is under control of Vale.
Massie and Neven set out on mission to rescue their friend Perrie.
Will they able to rescue Perrie? How they are going to fight powerful demon of underworld and save the world from destruction?


After the terrific end of the first book, Quinsey Wolfe’s Glass Vault, I was eager to read this book and wanted to see what is going to be in this one what will happen to Perrie. I must admit author  gave lot of surprises in this book.

I think about the world all the time, too. The future. How when I was younger, I knew what direction my life would go in, but a child’s mind is a dangerous one. Thoughts are innocent, and life isn’t.

The book is about fighting a demon, good against bad, friendship, and love with the city of glass statues who were once human. There was lot of information and in-depth characters in this book while the first one full of adventure.
Maisie in this book was in more prominent role than the first one. She was masking the horror and scary part of the book made the book funny and I liked it. I simply loved her. her ability to just live in even critical situation, her determination and optimism was something that I want to learn from her. Lol! She was still not over the pencil and notebook thing after being immortal. Neven was all on defending mode after what he has gone through. I liked his logical thinking and protectiveness for his friends. Pierrie is our Bride of Glass here. Well, initially  she was all under control of Vale and what he made her to do was horrible. I couldn’t help but pity her. After knowing all the truth, her love was not affected which was both good and bad thing. Vale started with horrifying tyrannical villain and ended up being a surprise package. Character development at the end of the book was good. of course Maissie remained to be Maissie as always. I never want to change this character a bit 😉

What I liked_edited
Cover is beautiful without a doubt. I liked the story and concept.
Narration alternates from the perspective of all characters who encountered or related to glass vault from the first book, as a before version. It gave lot of details that were not covered in the first book, how characters ended up in Glass Vault or how they went missing, what happened to them once they were inside the museum. How the whole Glass museum came into the world and what was the purpose of demon from underworld behind setting up the museum. And then the narration by Massie and Perrie The narration in this way was different and gave detailed picture of character. I came to understand each of them more in this book. This was very creative and I loved it most in the whole book.
Another best thing was I couldn’t figure out how Massie and Neven will find Perrie or how they were going to fight Vale and save the world. In fact, even after climax I didn’t know how this book was going to end, I was totally clueless. I guessed lot of thing for that but it was nothing like that.
OOhh! We have new love story here. That was surprising really! Maisie and Neven’s bonding was growing in this one. The bonding of this trio Perrie, Neven, and Maissie grew stronger as the book progressed and I was amazed to see the understanding between them.
Destructed world and glass museum description was amazing just like the first book. It’s definitely a page turner. Short chapters and interesting story made me go through book at fastest speed.
I liked the climax. Story of Vale just surprised me. I was not expecting it. End was little smooth. It’s not that I didn’t like it but I expected a lot of thing happen at this point, action (which was there a little) and last minute surprise like the first book but it was nothing like I have thought. It was totally surprise. The end was such that the series can be continued if author wishes, but there no cliffhanger.
Overall, very different than usual books of this genre, fast paced, and loved surprises. I love it. I recommend this to whoever like to try a different book.


Author: Candace Robinson 

To know more about author click Here.

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*** Note: I received a review copy of this book from the author, in exchange for an honest review. Many thanks to author. I’m glad I got a chance to read this book.  ***

What do you think about the book and review? Have you read this book or any other book by Candace Robinson? Share your thoughts in the comment-box below.

Happy Reading! 🙂

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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