Children,  Romance

1. The Cycling Wangdoos 2. Bicycling Rules of the Road by Kelly Pulley

Saturday Short Story Review
Hello Everyone! Hope you all are enjoying weekends. Today I’m reviewing 2 short stories by Kelly Pulley.

The Cycling Wangdoos by Kelly Pulley

cycling wangdoos

Expected publication: October 28th 2017 by Schiffer Publishing

Read date: August 19 2017

Stars: 5/5

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Blurb (in my words)-

6 Wangdoos are trained cycle racers who ride on their 6 sitter bike. With team work they have won many races but when one of the Wangdoo starts thinking differently it affects whole team terribly.
Goodreads description: The Cycling Wangdoos an imaginative and fun rhyming tale of an unlikely cycling team and their off-track lesson in teamwork. It will take you on a thrills and spills fun-filled ride from the first page to the surprise ending.

My view:

They worked as a team, because teamwork works the best. They each did their part to support all the rest.

It is very important to teach children how to work in team with sportsmanship in this competitive world. I liked the beginning of the book telling about what Wangdoo means.
Beautiful colorful illustrations.
I loved their 6 sitter bike and yack on the rack rear. Children will definitely love these pictures. Story was written in rhymes that children would love to read and hear again and again.
The end was funny and at the same time teaching lesson.
It tells about that no one is working more or less or more important than others while working in team and you should put your attitude and egos aside while working in team or it can cost not only to team but also to you and all other individual.
It was kind of story that should be there in kids school library.

Bicycling Rules of the Road: The Adventures of Devin Van Dyke by Kelly Pulley

cycing rules

Expected publication: November 28th 2017 by Schiffer Publishing

Read Date: August 19th 2017

Stars: 5/5

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Blurb (in my words)-

Devin Van Dyke tries to follow the rules of bicycling his mother has taught, but when he goes out for bicycling and meets his friends he forgets to follow them and it turns out very risky.
Goodreads Description: This humorous and action-packed adventure story is a fun way for kids to learn basic bicycling safety rules. Featuring lyrical text and brightly colored, full-page illustrations, this is a book parents and kids will not grow tired of reading out loud, night after night.

My view:

I liked that dog illustrated in cover. It’s expression in the book was cute and funny.
Story starts with the list of bicycling rules David’s mother has listed. I liked the way his mom told him about the benefits of bicycling. Story is written in rhymes with beautiful illustrations. The pictures shown in the story was vivid and speaking story itself. The way story has shown the consequences of not following rules was risky and funny at the same time. It showed proper impact of lesson for children.

Now he follows them all. And friends, you’d better too, ‘cause a mouth full of worm isn’t easy to chew.

You definitely don’t want to taste worms!
The rules were also given in detailed manner at the end of the book. It was nice story that children would love to read and parents can also read it to their children.

Overall, both stories were beautiful with good lessons for children.

Author: Kelly Pulley

To know more about author click HERE.

*** Note: I received review copy of these stories via Edelweiss. Many thanks to Publishers and author. ***

What do you think about the stories and review? Share your thoughts in the comment-box below.
Happy Reading! 🙂


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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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