Fantasy,  Review

Diary of Anna the Girl Witch: Foundling Witch by Vic Connor


Published: Jan 1st 2016 by Helvetic House (IBPA)

Read Date: May 21st 2017

Stars: 5/5

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This the first book of the series “Diary of Anna the Girl Witch”. Here is the story of a lovely witch- Anna Sophia.

Blurb (in my words)

Anna Sophia is 4749 days old (13 yrs.). She lives in a dormitory at college in Switzerland with other orphans. Everything about her is different or should I say crazy! She was found in bear’s den by her uncle Misha. Her uncle used to tell her stories about her birth. Life was different yet normal until she turn 13.

On her birthday, she suddenly start seeing spiritual world and some weird things happen. She received a letter and weird gift from her mother she never met or heard before. And she discovered she is a witch. Too much in one day right? But it’s not enough. She find out something horrible is happening to the girls adopted from orphanage.

How Anna is going to handle her newly discovered witch abilities? Without any help and guidance how is she going to learn her powers? What is happening to adopted girls? Will she able to find it out and can help them?

All answers are written in this beautiful book- “Diary of Anna the Girl Witch”

My view:

This is cozy witch book. I enjoyed reading it. I am glad I got a chance to read this book.

My favorite lines from the book:

You must always be kinder than necessary. Every act of kindness grows your spirit and strengthens your soul.

All characters were good. I loved her uncle Misha and the life he was living. Anna was really amazing. I loved her both good side and bad side. How she handled them and try to understand the balance between good and evil within her in this book. Another thing I liked about her character was, she was not whiny or despondent on discovering of her being witch. Of course she was scared but nothing was overly done.

The twists were good. It appeared when I was not expecting. I loved the storyline from very beginning. Story of her birth was really unique and amusing that made this story different from other witch books. I liked the concept of including Anne frank and Malala Yousafzai as a role models of character in this book.  Diary Anna was writing in this novel, I enjoyed reading that part the most. Have I mentioned illustrations in the book? They were nice simple drawings with highlighted main objects in it. I loved them.

Moral behind the story of being kind and there is always good and bad sides in every person, it depends on which side you are feeding. It was really beautifully written in this book.

I would love to read next two books of the series, “Wandering Witch” and “Fighting Witch”.

Overall, it’s fun, entertaining, cozy, fast paced witch book.

Who should read it? Witch and YA book lovers.


Author: Vic Connor

Publisher: Helvetic House

*** Note: I received a review copy of this book via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review. Many thanks to Publisher and author. ***

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Happy Reading!


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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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