Serenity (Forever #1) by India R. Adams
Published: July 26th 2016 by India’s Productions
Read Date: May 10th 2017
Stars: 5/5
Serenity is first book of Forever series. It’s brilliant and I loved it.
Blurb (in my words)–
This novel featuring a 17-yr-old, Serenity. She was born different, had a gift to see aura of people, having a dreams of brown cloaked woman who giving signs to her in her life. She lives in house that her parents has turned into dark battle ground and even at school she is facing bullies. In this lonely, tormenting, terrifying world, her best friend Skyler and young couple- Josh and Jolene- are life boat for her. They are like family to her who fill the gap that her own parents had given. They eventually bring a life savior in her life, Dereck- rich, handsome, down-to-earth footballer. When they first meet, they feel they know each other from many life times. Can Dereck and Serenity’s friends save her from the darkness of her life? Are Dereck and Serenity meant to be together? Who is that cloaked one in her dream?
(This is not actual Blurb, read it here on Goodreads)
My view:
When I read ‘Blue Water’, India was a new author to me, I loved that book and I had a feeling that I’m going to like all of her books. After reading this book, I think it is confirmed now and I’m going to add her to my favorite authors list. I feel a kind of challenge in writing the review of this book because it’s such an epic novel that I don’t have words to describe it. Even I take longer time to read this book than usual, as I needed a break in between so that I can grasp this amazing book properly. Okay I’m doing all the talking this time which is not my style of review so, back Yesha mode! 😉
My favorite line from the book:
“Belief is one of the strongest strength of all mankind, some just choose not to use its power…”
This book is about social abuse and bully, how that can affect so deeply to a person, struggle of coming out of that suffering to a whole peaceful person. How friendship and love can heal anything in life.
Characters- Crew – the Wheel of this ship – Serenity, Dereck, Josh, Jolene, Rocco, and Skyler- they were so adorable. I wish such friends in everyone’s life. The boys were so loving and I could feel the pain of girls. I loved Josh and Jolene the most in the book, without them I can’t imagine the life of other crew member. The love between these couples- Josh and Jolene, Dereck and Serenity, Rocco and Sky- was incredible.
What I liked in this book- Everything…! Characters, their powerful emotions, love and friendship of crew- they just drew me in their world and I was lost in them. Poems and songs- they were remarkable. I like how India include music in her books, it make them so unique. Deep moral behind the story that can motivate children/women who has faced abuse in their life.
If I start writing all the points in detail what touched me and what understood from the book, I will end up writing a short story. So, I will save you from that pain and will just say – read it.
I was literally crying from climax to the end. This part of the book touched me the most. I am going to read this whole series.
It’s cocktail of dysfunctional family, abuse, friendship, funny, happy and lovely moments, heart-wrenching agony, and love.
Who should read it? I recommend it to everyone.
Author: India R. Adams
To know more about her click⇒ here
*** Note: I received book from the author, in exchange for an honest review. I am glad I got a chance to read this book. Many thanks to author. ***
Have you read any of India’s book? Share your thoughts on the book and my review in comments below.
Happy Reading! 🙂
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