July 2024 Wrap Up

July 2024 Wrap Up – Month of many good things

Hello Readers! I hope you’re well and had a joyful July. July was a busy month for me, but I’m pleased with how I balanced everything in my daily routine and there were many good things happened that made month even better. I never felt overwhelmed, so I’d call it a really good month. Check out my July 2024 Wrap Up to see how my month went in reading and life.

July 2024 Wrap Up

July 2024 Highlights

This month, the best thing was the pleasant weather. It finally rained! Although there was more rain across the state than in our city, it brought much-needed respite from the heat.

Now that rain is here we installed mosquito net sliding window in all balcony of all rooms. When we moved in, we thought we won’t get mosquitos as our flat is on 14th floor, but nope—they get everywhere. Installing the nets was the best decision this month. We finally have good air circulation without worrying about mosquitos, flies, or lizards.

My child was more settled this month and had a fantastic first performance in Rhyme Recitation Week. She introduced herself, sang with perfect pronunciation, and did all the actions without needing any encouragement.

We also had our first Parent-Teacher Meeting of the term, where we received all positive feedback from her teacher. She is excelling academically, is amazing at drawing, and we should consider signing her up for drawing classes. The only complaint was that she can be moody. I thought, “What can you expect from a mood reader’s kid?” Well, we have no idea how to change that!

We’ve finally decided to buy our first car. I have a driver’s license, I can ride two wheeler half asleep but as I never practiced driving car, I never developed good judgment. So, I’ve signed up driving school again. Hopefully, I’ll gain confidence in car driving before we buy the car in the middle of the month and before our planned trip around the same time.

July 2024 in Reading

Reading Stats

Books read : 7 (3 paperback + 4 eBook)
Pages : 2343
Goodreads Challenge : 58/80

Books Read


The Hero of Ages is epic conclusion of Mistborn trilogy. It is truly mind-blowing, unputdownable fantasy filled with rich and complex world, and compelling characters. This was the best conclusion of the series.

The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches is a delightful, heartwarming, cozy, and magical contemporary romance with a found family and an opposites-attract trope. I loved  the idea of witches secretly living in Britain and the rules they follow to keep their identities hidden. It is is filled with magic, diverse witches, banter, compassion, kindness, and secrets.

Every Time I Go on Vacation, Someone Dies is a witty, refreshing and humorous cozy mystery with quirky characters and an amazing setting in Rome and Italy.

Petu Pumpkin Freedom Fighter is a fun and charming children’s fiction. Author perfectly mixed humor with realistic issues making it engaging for kids and at the same time conveying important messages.

It Was a Riot is a poignant, emotive, and touching LGBTQ historical fiction about Eddy Turner’s life journey. The setting of London and theme of the book with time period from the 1950s to the 80s when AIDS worsened queer prejudice was amazingly written.


The Design of Us

The Design of Us is an entertaining, engaging, and delightful work nemesis-to-lovers, fake dating Desi romance. I absolutely enjoyed this book. My only issue is not enough Desi representation or of my culture.


Craft: Stories I Wrote for the Devil - paranormal anthology

Craft is a unique collection of stories that fans of literary fiction might appreciate. However, it wasn’t for me. I often found myself struggling to stay engaged and wished I had DNFed the book. But that might be just me.

Best Book of July 2024

July 2024 Blog Stats

July 2024 blog stats

August Plan

We will get our new car in mid August and we are also planning for 2 days trip in nearby hill station.

I hope to finish physical ARCs I received in last 2 months.

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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