Frustrating week - April 29, 2024

Frustrating week – April 29, 2024 #WeeklyWrapUp

Hello Readers! I hope you all are well. Last week was frustrating week for me. It felt like I was doing so many things whole week but my main frustration comes because of job.

Frustrating week - April 29, 2024

Frustrating week

I work 8 hrs. 6 days a week. What I don’t like is unpredictability of this job. Also, there is no such thing as weekly agendas or properly organized work. There is also communication gap that results in indirectly questioning my work ethics. Not having fixed hours is also makes it highly frustrating. Sometimes I get emails even after 8 hrs shift is over and I’m supposed to check those emails and work on them.

Yes, I get time for other things in between the job hours- house chores, picking and dropping my kid, social media and blog… but it leaves me so damn tired at the end of the day. I just wish there were better opportunities or the job that I enjoy.

And that is also fine but today I was called to office because I made 1 mistake. I missed email from client and that gave the opportunity to my boss to drop all problems I was having with him on my head. There had been frictions with him because of me doing my job well and whenever he tried to question me for something that wasn’t my fault I pointed out it’s not my fault but his (of course, not verbally but indirectly). It’s also reason I published the post this late as I hardly had time in the morning.

I couldn’t even draft this post that was going to be pretty much except that previous para. I get only 1 day to draft posts and read and that 1 day is also for family and also only day I have time to clean the house that makes supposedly relaxing Sunday as busy as weekdays.

To make it worse, on Saturday, we were called in school for my kid’s behavioral issue they faced in first week of the school. The coordinator wanted know why she is throwing tantrums and things in class. Coordinator wanted to know if that’s because we both are working or something like that. 😪

We had to explain that she doesn’t do well with the change (this year they changed her classmates and also teachers, which is going to be regular thing every year), and as teachers are new and they don’t know how to deal with her it will take time for her.

The trick with her is making eye contact and being firm, making her realize she is not boss, not letting her have her own way. We know that and it’s the reason how we can make her do what we want. Thankfully, this new coordinator got that and also seems to know how to work with her as she was behaving better in second week. She just wanted to understand if she is doing right and if we can give any pointer.

At least I had good Sunday with family.

What I Read

I could read only 1 book last week. I started 2 books but couldn’t progress more than couple of chapters.

The Lighthouse Family

This is poignant life journey of boy who grew up at lighthouse of Turkish village with strong familial and sibling bond but WWII brought tragedy that separated him from his family seeking asylum in Russia even after WWII ended 10 years ago only to able to return home at old age. This was emotive story. It was a little slow but due to short length I could finish it in couple of days. review will be up later this week.

Currently reading

[Click on Pic to read synopsis on Goodreads]

I have read only couple of chapters in all of these! It’s too early to say anything about any of these and yet I can feel I would love The Final Empire. As for Addicted to You, I don’t have high hopes. I might not able to finish any of these before month end but I hope to finish How To Win An Election.

[Click on Pic to read synopsis on Goodreads]

I have many books on TBR but I just hope to finish these current reads as of now. Also these two as they are short-

Posts Published

Amazing Week Filled With Family Time #WeeklyWrapUp – April 22, 2024

Bride: Ali Hazelwood’s Spellbinding Paranormal Romance

Funnimals series by Harry Fabler

Books Added to Shelf/e-reader

[Click on Pic to read synopsis on Goodreads]

Physical review copies

NetGalley/Edelweiss  widgets

What I Watched

I didn’t have time to watch a series of movie but I could watch these short movies with my kid. I loved all of them.

Check out my #weeklyupdate, books I read, posts published, what I'm reading next, and what I added to shelf in this #WeeklyWrapUp post -> Share on X
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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


  • Lashaan Balasingam

    It does sound like a frustrating week. I hope things get better quickly in May. Make sure to find time for yourself in all that, time when you can simply slow things down for yourself! Take care!

  • Reading Tonic

    Just a big hug and hope this new week is going to be a much better one for you. I don’t know how you do it, but you you’re doing such a great job working full-time, raising an intelligent and independent child, taking care of your family and being a fantastic blogger.

  • aimee can read

    I’m sorry you had a bad work week. 🙁 The 6 days a week schedule is bad enough on its own, but throwing in unpredictability and a boss who doesn’t understand that everyone makes mistakes? Yikes. I hope you get some time to rest, and that the next week is better for you!

    • Books Teacup and Reviews

      Yes, i was expecting a part time job but then it turned into full time and then the work just kept increasing. only plus side of this job is I can work from home, pick and drop my kid and do other chores in break.

  • Rosepoint Publishing

    definitely a frustrating week for you but i do hope you got to clear some positive air with your supervisor. hard to be doing the best you can assume that they want only to find they have fault with that too!

    • Books Teacup and Reviews

      Nope they didn’t give me much chance and tried to drop everything on my head. This is the reason I hate working in Indian company. I worked in multinational company once and that experience and environment is still stuck with me. I just hope to work here a couple of years and find something better.

  • Hazel Vee

    I always tell myself I’ll draft a blog post in bed after the kid goes to sleep, but on my WordPress app on my phone. I end up falling asleep instead. Sigh. I miss when it felt like I had so much time to blog.

    I’m tired of SEO telling me I don’t have enough subheadings, I’m borrowing this post layout concept lol.

    • Books Teacup and Reviews

      I feel you. 4 years ago I head so much time to read and blog and after kid it’s all gone out of window. Well, let’s just see our kids growing and then get back to ‘before kid routine’ once they are big and out of nest.

      Sure thing. Only my wrap ups have more subheadings 😂

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