The Magic Mindset: How to Find Your Happy Place by Preeti Shenoy
Review,  Nonfiction

The Magic Mindset: How to Find Your Happy Place by Preeti Shenoy

The Magic Mindset is motivating and inspiring self-help book that covers many topics and life situations with many tips and suggestions. I haven’t read many nonfictions but from few I have read this by far is really great book.

The Magic Mindset

The Magic Mindset: How to Find Your Happy Place by Preeti Shenoy

Publication Date : September 27th 2021

Publisher : HarperCollins India

Genre : Nonfiction / Self-Help

Pages : 252

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Disclaimer – I received this book as part of Blogchatter Book Review Program, in exchange for honest review. Many thanks to blogchatter and publisher.


Sometimes, it’s not easy to find the silver lining.While positivity is about looking at the bright side of things, the magic mindset embraces and accepts that it is not always possible to do so. Sometimes things get so bleak that our mind refuses to accept that there can be a silver lining.In this book, Preeti Shenoy gives you a set of principles for every area of life, designed to help us shift our perspective from hopelessness to hope, from despondency to joy, from cynicism to belief – a belief that change is coming, and things are not as bad as they seem.Perfect reading for the difficult times that we are living in, The Magic Mindset is full of tips, suggestions, fun exercises and practical advice on career, family, health, relationships, finances, social media, and more. It also includes inspiring stories and anecdotes from Preeti’s own life. A cornerstone for all those who want to change their outlook, The Magic Mindset helps us build a purposeful and joyful life.


The Magic Mindset is self-help book about healthy and positive mindset and attitude towards different situations of life that help in dealing with problems we face not by looking at bright side but by accepting feelings, having positive attitude and hope, and how to change our outlook to keep hope.

Writing is easy and simple. It never felt author was preaching about the magical mindset because of the own voice feel we get through author’s own experience and observation and also assurance it’s never easy but possible by different real-life scenarios mentioned, facts, references of researches, and some miracles stories that were possible because of power of the mind, the magic mindset.

The best part of the book is the activities in each chapter. They are like journal prompts that make us aware of our feelings, put them on paper, and find solutions through them. If someone tells me to write about all my problems, my mind would drift and wanders in all direction and at the end I cannot write anything but here author gives specific questions for different situations and then follow-up questions for the same topic making it easy to focus on things.

There is also 14 days challenge at the end of the book with activities to do daily and table to write our feelings after finishing the exercises. It’s not something we haven’t seen or heard before or very hard work that needs much efforts. They are like starting point for change inattitude and mindset and I can see how repeating these exercises and challenges might turn them into a habit and help in getting positive change over a long time.

Another good thing, this can be read out of order. You can pick any chapter at any time and never feel you missed anything in the previous chapters as each chapter deals with different topics like– relationships, social media, money, health, education, family, past unpleasant memories, out of control situations, saying no, and other people’s actions that affect us. You can pick the topic you’re not happy about in life and read it first or any time in life.

I found Reconciling with other people’s actions most helpful as it is something very common and I’m sure every person is affected by other people’s actions that hurts for long long time. It’s not easy to forget or forgive when it’s someone close or family member. Not all the points are solutions for me but reading and thinking about what is said made it much better and I might get over or reconcile the situation in future.

All real life stories and scenarios are truly inspiring and motivational. I loved reading them and they sure made me feel like anything is possible even changing lifelong mindset. I loved that whiteboard idea in the kitchen to write down any affirmations, appreciations or complaints in the house to keep healthy and transparent relationships between family members.

I agree with what author said in the introduction, this can not be read like a novel in one go as each chapter has activities and gives food for thought that needs to be digested properly for the required effect that author promises in the book. I also agree with author on what she said about social media. I loved that she never said social media is a bad thing, but that everyone needs it and it’s part of life, the problem comes with how you use it.

Why 4 stars-

I really liked the book and some aspects but some points aren’t new or I haven’t known before and so this served as reminder for me. I might have found this more helpful when I was young as this is like a guide.

Overall, The Magic Mindset is inspiring, motivating, relatable, and well-written self-help covering many topics and life situations with many tips and suggestions.

I recommend this book if you like,
Self-help book that isn’t preaching
Doesn’t give clearcut solutions but acts as a guide
Writing prompts and activities
Real-life stories and scenarios
Many tips and suggestions
Summery at the end of each chapter
Book that can be read out of order
Ikigai (this is much better than Ikigai)

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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