Review,  Contemporary,  Romance

The Promise of Summer by Bella Osborne @osborne_bella @AvonBooksUK // delightful summer romance

The Promise of Summer was exactly like that saying, “You find love when you least expecting.” It was cozy and delightful summer romance with will they won’t they trope, amazing plot and characters.

summer romance

The Promise of Summer by Bella Osborne

Publication Date : July 22nd 2021

Publisher : Avon

Genre : Romance

Pages : 416

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Disclaimer : Many thanks to Rachel @ Rachel’s Random Resources for tour invite and publisher for provide e-copy via NetGalley, in change for an honest review.
This Post contains affiliate links.


Ruby’s life is about to change for ever…

When the man accidentally leaves the engagement ring behind, Ruby is determined to save the day. But she hasn’t counted on fellow passenger Curtis stepping in and insisting he should be the one to track the stranger down.   

As summer closes in, the unlikely pair make a promise to reunite the ring with its owner. But can they find their own happy ever after along the way?


The Promise of Summer cozy and heart-warming romance that revolved around Ruby and Curtis trying to return the engagement ring they found on train and slowly falling in love. It also revolved around Ruby’s employer and florist, Kim, and her love story. The story was about dream, hope, heartbreak, love, friendship, loss, and betrayal.

Writing was fun, refreshing, relaxing and steady paced. It was written in third person narrative mainly from Ruby’s perspective and there was also intermittent Kim’s POV. Setting of Sheffield and London was great. This was originally released in four parts that I later found out but I loved this combined version. Author is new to me and now after reading this I wish to get more books by author.

Plot was interesting. What surprised me was Kim’s story. From synopsis I was expecting only Ruby’s story but it was also Kim’s story even though Ruby was main character.

It started with Ruby visiting London for her appointment to have baby. Looking at her past disastrous relationships and her biological clock ticking, she felt finding donor was only way she could be a mother. She met a stranger on train who was going to propose his girlfriend making her think love is not all lost but the man dropped engagement ring in hurry and she wanted to save his day returning the ring on time but she didn’t expect another passenger- businessman, very unromantic and emotionless, Curtis- to step in, insisting he keep it safe with him and tag along with Ruby and help her in returning the ring. It was interesting to see how this unlikely pair going to work together and find owner of the ring.

At the same time, Kim who ran the flower shop and employer of Ruby find herself attracted to Adrian, her regular customer. But she didn’t expect her past coming back knocking at her door and making her life and potential relationship complicated. It was interesting to see if she, at last, would find love and happiness or would end up lonely as she was.  

All characters were realistic and relatable. I enjoyed story of all secondary characters, even the dog Boomerang whom Kim adopted had his little story. He was such an adorable and friendly dog with full of energy and I enjoyed his and Kim’s training sessions.

Kim was amazing employer. She was lovely and kind lady in her mid-forties but also spirited when she had to handle customers looking for free things. I didn’t like she lied about her husband but when she shared it to Adrian it made sense. I felt for her and rooted for her ever since. I wished she could tell Ruby about it sooner but just as I guessed she did it too late. When her past returned, it wasn’t a surprise but I was annoyed Kim was falling into lie so easily. I could see what that person was trying to do and I so want to shake Kim and make her see through it but again, she realised it too late.

Adrian was lovely person. He had somewhat similar story as Kim but very different at the same time. Both lied about what they suffered but that helped them form a friendship that strengthened as the story progressed. I liked him for helping Kim with getting Boomerang and realising his mistake at the end.

Curtis was most interesting character. He was unlike any man I read in romance. He was smart, intelligent, handsome, and successful, organised and spreadsheet obsessed, and so very innocent. He was the guy who never looked for relationship or sex. He didn’t even understand innuendo, code words, or sarcasm! He was so clueless about love and feelings. He sure sounded like robot who talked straight without any hidden meanings, said the truth, and lived straightforward life with no fun. I enjoyed seeing his transformation, how he came out of his suit and tie, boring monotonous life and started to enjoy time with Ruby, laughed a lot, and understood what love and feeling was, what it was to live spontaneous life. It was best part of the book.

Ruby was lively, cheerful, always smiling person even though inside she was still struggling with loss of her mother and her desperate need to be a mother. She was lonely and naïve girl with bad luck in men but was romantic and hopeful at heart. I shook my head often at her romantic nature, how easily she believed men who bought flowers or those she saw on train with girlfriends. I rooted for her from the beginning. She made the story all bright and shinning. I wish I could have her gift of talking and winning anyone with her verbal diarrhoea. I liked her even more for helping Curtis even when she realised, she had feelings for him.

Friendship was amazing this story. Ruby and Kim’s friendship was lovely to read. I loved how they both supported each other even when there was a slight miff because of Kim’s secret. It was just great both Kim and Ruby were friends with Curtis and Adrian at first and that too for most part of the book.

Kim’s flower shop was great setting. It was entertaining to read all kind of customers Kim and Ruby got and how they handled them. I enjoyed Ruby and Curtis’ trip to London, places they visited, their train journeys, and their time at Cleethorpes. Conversations between characters were smooth and delightful.

Even though this was romance, there was fair amount of plot and characters depth. It was slow developing. Author took very good time in building their friendship. Both Kim and Ruby fell in love only in second half of the book. It was no fairy tale romance as ruby expected and yet it was lovely. And I couldn’t be sure if characters would get their happy ending or not until the end.

Climax was dramatic and emotional. I knew what was going to happen and yet I felt bad for both Kim and Ruby. It was a relief bad people were finally out of their life and they could look forward and yet there was no hope for romance. I almost thought this would end that way but it didn’t. I was happy they finally could have their happily-ever-after.

Overall, The Promise of Summer was uplifting, delightful, entertaining and lovely romance with amazing characters and plot.

I highly recommend this if you enjoy,
Slow developing romance
will they won’t they trope
Great employer-employee bond
Amazing friendship
Dog adoption and training in story
Cozy plot
Steady pace
Quirky character
Hero different from any romance you have read

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Author Bio

Bella has been jotting down stories as far back as she can remember but decided that 2013 would be the year that she finished a full length novel. Since then she’s written seven best selling romantic comedies and she’s been shortlisted three times for the RNA Contemporary Romantic Novel of the Year Award.

Bella’s stories are about friendship, love and coping with what life throws at you. She lives in The Midlands, UK with her husband, daughter and a cat who thinks she’s a dog. When not writing Bella is usually eating custard creams and planning holidays.

For more about Bella, visit her website at or follow her on social media.

Social Media Links : Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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