Review,  Romance

Uncork My Love by Rich Amooi – hilarious banter filled romantic comedy

Hello Readers! I’m pleased share my review of Uncork My Love by Rich Amooi, an entertaining romantic comedy, as part of blog tour organized by  Rachel’s Random Resources. Many thanks to Rachel for tour invite and author for providing review copy, in exchange for an honest review. Check out book details and my review in this post.

Uncork My Love by Rich Amooi

Publication Date :  30th March 2021

Genre : Romantic Comedy

Pages : 300

Rating: 5 out of 5.


A sweet romantic comedy set in beautiful Napa Valley!

Ivy needs a miracle and a drink—not necessarily in that order. With a struggling winery, the only hope of keeping her dream alive is snagging a gold medal at the annual wine competition. She’s determined to win, but she can do it without the help of Ted Jacobs, aka Mr. Know-it-All.

Ted wants to catch lightning in a bottle and create the world’s greatest wine, but he’s smart enough to know he can’t do it alone. When he heads to Napa to keep his grandma from ending up in jail (don’t ask), he meets Ivy. She’s as complex and intoxicating as his award-winning cabernet, but as stubborn as the mule next door when she stomps on his offer to collaborate.

Ted knows it’s risky to mix business with pleasure, but if Ivy would only listen, they might just be the toast of the town.


Uncork My Love uncorked bottle of happiness and love

Uncork My Love was charming and entertaining romcom that revolved around Ivy and Ted, two very competitive owners of winery slowly finding their way to love.

Uncork My Love was about presumptions, not judging person for one bad past experience, not letting past affect your present, friendship, love, family, and Winemaking through love.

“It’s all about chemistry. When two things so different from each other come together in harmony, it’s magical.” But here author brought two very similar people together and made it magical by banter.

Writing was fabulous, engaging, entertaining and fast paced. Uncork My Love was written in first person narrative from alternative perspective of Ted and Ivy.

The setting of Napa Valley and descriptions of Ivy’s Half Moon Vineyard made this banter filled romance even more romantic and lovely. Plot was great with dislike-to-love trope which was done amazingly.

I loved the beginning. Author brilliantly chose most amazing character to start book with- Grandma Loretta. I don’t want to go in detail and tell how it started. It’s best if you go in book only with that synopsis to enjoy the hilarious beginning.

It was interesting to read how Ted was going to stop his grandma from ending up in jail, how he would convince Ivy to listen to his ideas or plan he had that can be amazing for her struggling winery, whether Ivy would find out what was Grandma Loretta’s plan and why Ted was there on her property and how it would change her life.

All the characters were fabulous. They were developed, realistic and relatable. Uncork My Love had loveliest secondary characters – Grandpa Howard with his banjo, Ivy’s sister Mindy, and my most favorite meddling grandmas.

Both 75-year-old Grandmas- Grandma Loretta (Ted’s grandma) and Grandma Sherry (Ivy’s grandma)- were quirky, lovely, lively and so young at heart. Their conversations with Ted and Ivy, and with each other made me smile and laugh so many times that I couldn’t keep the count.

And their plans! They were baffling and hilarious. I can’t believe how meddlesome they were and even though Ted and Ivy could see through it, it actually worked.

Ted was brilliant, cute, charming, caring, and fun character. I loved his helpful, honest and straightforward, no-filter nature. It made Ivy mad but to readers love him more and more. I liked how he didn’t force Ivy to accept his help and tried to do things without expecting anything in return. The way he made list where she was doing wrong and how she could work on getting sales up was amazing.

I can’t believe it took Ivy so long to trust him. What I loved most about him was, he too had past that hurt him and broke him but he didn’t let it define his life and achieved so much by hard work and passion.

Ivy was winezilla. (I’m still giggling remembering how Ted came up with that word) She was stubborn, headstrong, and judgemental because of her trust issues. But once she met Ted, presumptions she built about him or about anyone who offered to help started to crumble. We see her soft, caring, compassionate, and fun side. I loved her for accepting her mistakes and seeking forgiveness for it.

What I loved most was banter between characters. Author truly is King of Banter. It started from the very first chapter and was non-stop till the end. Conversations and dialogues were flawless.

There were so many hilarious moments– that scene with Michelle Raquel, secret chat, Aphrodisiac food, and that prewedding counsellor! It was so refreshing. I don’t remember which last book made me laugh so much. I also enjoyed Winery tour, wine making process, local wine festival and the annual wine competition.

Romance was cute, lovely and sweet like wine. Ted and Ivy’s love was like their grapes and wine that needed time to ripen and have rich taste and meddling grandmas fermenting the process. I enjoyed how Ted and Ivy’s banter filled beginning turned slowly into admiration, respect, friendship and love.

There was no drama until climax. I almost started to think nothing wrong would happen, it would be simple straight story but author surprised me in last 10% of the book. I liked that unexpected twist and how characters reacted to it. That gesture of love before end brought happy tears and made me smile ear to ear. End was perfectly satisfying.

Overall, Uncork My Love was hilarious, entertaining and flawlessly written romcom with lovely characters and lots of banter. I highly recommend this to fans of romcom, frenemies-to-lovers trope, and prefer to have lots of banter in their romcom.

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About Author

Rich Amooi is a Taleflick Discovery Winner, Readers’ Favorite Gold Medal Recipient, Holt Medallion Finalist, and the Amazon Bestselling author of 16 romantic comedies, including It’s Not PMS, It’s You, Dying to Meet You, There’s Something About a Cowboy, and Madam Love, Actually.

A former radio personality and wedding DJ, Rich now writes romantic comedies full-time in San Diego, California, and is happily married to a kiss monster imported from Spain. Rich believes in public displays of affection, silliness, infinite possibilities, donuts, gratitude, laughter, and happily ever after.

Social Media Links – Author website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Goodreads

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