Monthly Wrap Up

Monthly Wrap-Up : March 2021 #Wrapup

Hello Readers! I hope you all had marvellous march. It wasn’t anything good or extraordinary for me as I couldn’t read as much as I wanted to. Many of my relatives had COVID, some are still recovering. Yes a little break in mid March was definitely marvellous but it takes lot of efforts to get back to routine. My in-laws were here for medical procedure, they returned back 4 days ago but now my husband’s father might have COVID as he has fever and scan did show it in his lungs. And I chose this wonderful time to switch blog to self-hosted. 😪 I hope April turns out better.

Blog Stats:

View : 2337
Visits : 781
Likes : 222
Comments : 127

Books Read:

Books Read : 8 (+ 1 magazine review)
Pages Read : 2146

Shadow and Bone (Shadow and Bone, #1) by Leigh Bardugo — [Review]

Definitely best book of the month.

The Littlest Dinosaur by Bryce Raffle, Steven Kothlow — [Review]

This was cute book 5+ kids.

Born of Wind by J.B. Lesel — [Review]

Impressive world and lovely characters. I recommend this to MG readers.

Are We There Yet? by Kathleen West — [Review]

I didn’t know what to expect before I started but it turned out really great. Another favourite book of the month.

A Universe of Wishes by Multiple authors — [Review]

Amazing collection if diverse and LGBTQ+ YA fanatsy and sci-fi stories. I highly recommend this.

The Secrets of Star Whales by Rebecca Thorne — [Review]

A lovely MG story set in space. Loved characters and plot. I recommend this to MG sci-fi readers.

The Unwanted by Z.T. Soyoye — [Review]

Not bad, really impressive for debut novel.

Crow (Faeries of Oz #2) by Candace Robinson, Amber R. Duell

I just finished Crow this morning. thought I couldn’t finish it in March but it wasn’t long book and it was Candace who wrote it so without doubt it was fast paced I could finish it in less than 2 days. It was amazing read Crow and Reva’s story and their journey to North for revenge, avenge what witch of North did to them and their daughter and find their love back. I enjoyed reading other territories and lands of Oz. Can’t wait to see where Ozma’s journey would take her.

Best Book I read this month-

I’m conflicted now. Most of books I read were great and I can’t just choose one. They were very different from each other and there is surely no comparison but I loved these three most.

I’m participating in the #TBRChallenge by Blogchatter and this is my monthly check.

Thank you for reading! Let’s Chat…

How was your month in reading and in general?
Have you read any of these books or going to read in future?
What are you planning to read in April?


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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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