
Weekly Wrap-up (22/03/’21) #WeeklyWrapup #WeekinReading

Hello Readers! It feels like ages I wrote this post as I took lot of break from blog and reading than I expected. First I went on trip in second week of the month then my in laws are here for medical procedure and now I’m going self-hosted for my site. Things are under process right now and it’s a bit difficult than I expected but I’ll give it a week to see how it’s going on. As for the reading, I read 2 books and I’m finally about to finish Universe of Wishes. I hope to finish by the end of the day.

What I read last week –

Are We There Yet? by Kathleen West

I enjoyed this dramatic and engaging women’s fiction featuring parenting and precarious junior high transition of their kids and how mothers are going to cope with change in their children and mistakes they made. It was fast paced, engaging, and reflective and there was so much to discuss about. Here is Full Review.

The Secrets of Star Whales by Rebecca Thorne

This was interesting and heartwarming middle grade story set in space station, Azura. It was about Max struggling with grief and loss of her father, and arrival of an outsider, a substitute teacher who brought with him adventure and change he wasn’t ready for but at the same time it gave him hope to find a connection with his dad again that can fill the void the loss had left behind which caused lot of trouble not just for him but his home and majestic wonderful creature of the space- Star Whales. World was the best part. I enjoyed all the details of space station, spaceships, technology, and about Star Whales. All the layers and messages were perfect for middle grade read. Review will be up tomorrow.

Next I’ll be Reading –

The Unwanted by Z.T. Soyoye

“Let the Lightning Engulf you”

15-year-old Alexander Charon embarks on his journey at a new school as he struggles to form bonds and relationships with those around him. He begins to unravel his hidden talents, forcing his life to take an unexpected turn as he witnesses the murder and kidnapping of his friends. He must use his newly found skills to solve mysteries and protect those he cares for before it’s too late. Can Alex rise up as he attempts to persevere against adversities? Or will he fall into despair as hope dwindles with each new obstacle?

The Common Tongue Magazine first Issue

The Common Tongue Magazine (commontonguezine.com) is a dark fantasy & dark speculative fiction online magazine that publishes anthologies of masterfully told fantasy short stories set in fascinating and perilous worlds.

They publish roughly 60,000 words per issue five times a year from authors of many backgrounds and cultures. They aim to promote underrepresented authors in fiction, publish work of writers whose voices give better understanding of cultures, human interconnectivity, and social issues in the world, while offering services based on merit and literacy excellence.

I haven’t read and review a magazine before and I’m excite read this dark fantasy magazine containing short stories and I guess there is a poem as well. I was supposed to be reviewing this right now but the trip and break put me behind the schedule I had set for books. But it’s short one so hopefully I can read and review this before first issue release.

Have you read any of these books or going to read soon? What are you planning to read this week? Which posts you enjoyed most this week?


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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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