
#BookReview #BlogTour : Dishonoured by Jem Tugwell #Dishonoured @JemTugwell @SerpentineBooks @rararesources / / fast paced, addictive, and thrilling

Hello Readers! I’m pleased to share review of Dishonoured by Jem Tugwell as a part of blog tour, organized by Rachel’s Random Resources. Many thanks to Rachel for tour invite and publisher for eARC.

Dishonoured by Jem Tugwell

Publication Date : January 14th 2021

Publisher : Serpentine Books

Genre : Thriller / Psychological thriller

Pages : 304

Rating: 5 out of 5.


Dan has worked hard for the perfect life. He has a loving wife, beautiful kids, a fabulous home and is a successful businessman. 

One afternoon Dan steps onto his usual train and sees the waitress who served him an hour earlier. It all seemed so normal, but it was the most dreadful mistake. Four stops later, Dan is a criminal who has lost everything. He’d only just met her, so why did she destroy him—and why did she say ‘Sorry’? 

Dan battles through a web of lies and deceit to clear his name and win his life back, but first, he needs to find out who plotted his downfall.

Other books I read by the same author-

Dishonoured was well written psychological thriller that revolved around Dan’s life going downhill after he boarded train and trying to find out why it happened to him. It was about family, trust, getting control of life and fighting for family, betrayal, deceit, and manipulation.

Writing was tense, gripping and intriguing with short chapters that made it flip the pages faster than I expected. It was written in first person narrative from Dan’s perspective. In some chapters narration switched to third person from secondary characters’ perspective. Plot was character driven. It was brilliantly executed that kept me on the edge till the end.

It started with Dan signing the deal of selling his investment management firm to KayGroup that would give him retirement money, he could finally spend time with his family, can make his wife, Felicity, happy and wouldn’t have to repeat the mistake of not giving time to his son with first wife, Paul, again with Hugo and Victoria. He finally could let go of bottled emotions of sadness, grief, of not feeling worth and let happiness in his life. But fates had different plan. After celebrating deal with his partners he stepped in tube but not alone, waitress who served drinks was with him and after few stops he left train with criminal charges. It destroyed his life, no money, no wife and of course no happiness. One thing kept nagging in his mind, why waitress mouthed sorry to him? was it fates or was he set up? If so, by whom and why? Getting answers of these questions was absolutely thrilling ride.

Characters were realistic, flawed and unreliable. I wasn’t sure who to trust, most of them were suspect, some I found believable, some were friendly who helped Dan in solving mystery and getting his life back, while some surprised me and changed my view entirely in climax.

Dan was fantastic character. Even with all money he had, he helped homeless soldier by giving breakfast almost every day, he seemed good family person. He still hadn’t gotten over the death of his parents and first wife. Lid over emotions were firmly closed under workaholic nature. What happened to him on train was horrible, frightening. It let out all those buried emotions. It was so raw and heart touching to read his story, seeing what that one incident was doing to him, how his life fell apart and how hopeless his situation was. Never ever I felt he deserved what happened. What I liked about him was, even with not having control over life, he had control over his emotions, had logic and sense of thinking of thinking through situation and not letting bullies control him. He was meek and timid by nature but unfairness brought out anger, will and determination to get back his life, wife and children. It was amazing to see the way he tried to solve the mystery and where it led him.

I don’t want say much about secondary characters. It will be more fun to read about them by yourself and have your own opinion. But Anomaly and Kev deserves a mention as I liked them most in entire book. They were brilliant and made a good team. They were really nice to help Dan, of course money was involved, yet it’s great to put trust in someone whose charge was frightening and there was no way to prove it and even with chance of not getting anything in return at the end.

Suspense was mind-blowing. I couldn’t see twists and turns coming until the hint were given and even with them, I failed at being right as there were so many red herrings leading me astray. I couldn’t have guessed who was the mastermind and when it was revealed in climax, it was shocking and then came jaw dropping moment that changed everything. End was perfectly satisfying.

Overall, Dishonoured was fast paced, addictive, thrilling psychological thriller with mind-blowing suspense and interesting characters.

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About Author:

Jem Tugwell was born in Berkshire and Dishonoured is his first psychological thriller.

Jem’s first two critically acclaimed novels, Proximity and No Signal are exciting crime fiction novels set in the near future, featuring DI Clive Lussac and his partner Zoe Jordan. Jem has a Crime Writing MA from City University, an MBA and a BSc in Computer Science and in a past life, Jem had a successful career in IT and investment management. Jem’s loves are snowboarding, old cars and bikes. He lives in Surrey with his wife and has two children.

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What do you think about the book and review? Have you read this book or any book by the same author? Which thriller you read had most shocking twist?


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