
2020 Wrap-up #2020wrapup #readingstats

Year in Life

This year was both good and bad as many things happened. Personally, COVID didn’t change my life as I was used to home life, I’m not party goer and I like my own company with books. Where it affected was- it changed routine, my daughter missed going out, work from home policy made us take life’s biggest and best decision of moving to our home town and buy our own house that is under construction right now and most sad and tragic thing was we lost two people my family was close to. I just hope 2021 turns out better.

What other activity I enjoyed apart from books this year

Netflix – Lucifer was best series I watched this year. I also liked Witcher and now I want to read books as well but it’s going to take time.

Domino- It was fun to play with colourful blocks. My daughter loves to sort colours or make simple tower.

Year in reading

I didn’t read as much books from the shelf as I expected but I received lots of NetGalley widgets that threw me out of necessary 80% ratio and now I’m struggling to make that TBR manageable. I was more into Fantasy, chick-lit, YA contemporaries, romance, and adult fiction this year. I didn’t read many mysteries / Thrillers. I tried audiobook for the first time but I’m still not confident to listen them without e-book in hand.

Totals books I read – 109
Total Pages – 34531
Average Rating – 4.4

Year in Blogging

I wrote post almost everyday that definitely had impact in number but it was really tiring sometimes so I won’t be posting that much in 2021 and would focus on reading more. I interacted more with bloggers, found many amazing bloggers, total follower number right now is 1632. Thank you all for following this blog, for all likes, shares, and comments, without you this year in blogging wouldn’t be good.

Social media

I enjoy Instagram and I’m spending more time there lately. I found a theme for Instagram this year that work a little better than not theme. I enjoyed Instagram challenge in December hosted by One More Chapter. I would love to participate in more challenges next year and I will see if I can find prompts or create my own to post every month.

Goals I accomplished

let’s not talk about this. I don’t think I accomplished any goal except finishing that Goodreads challenge. And I’m not making any goals for 2021 for obvious reason. I’m not making-resolution-and-sticking-to-it person. But one thing I really want in 2021 is having fixed schedule.

There won’t be many blog graphic change except few you are seeing in past few posts. I will be posting best books, best cover, thought provoking…. such posts in upcoming weeks. I still need to write these post or make list but it will be there in January.

How was your reading stats in 2020? Which Genre or format you read most? Which is the longest and shortest book you read in 2020?


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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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