#BookReview : Cynetic Wolf (Wolfish #1) by Matt Ward #CyneticWolf #ScienceFiction #Postapocalyptic

Cynetic Wolf (Wolfish #1) by Matt Ward
Publication Date: March 26th 2020
Publisher: Myrmani LLC
Genre: Sci-Fi / Post-apocalyptic / Dystopia
Page: 342
Stars: ★★★☆☆ (3.5)

It’s 2096, sixty years after ninety percent died from a man-made Bioplague. Humanity has splintered into four unequal subspecies: immortals, cyborgs, enhancers, and subservient half-human, half-animal hybrids.
The world is anything but equal. Hybrids everywhere are suffering, but sixteen-year-old Raek Mekorian, a wolfish with a nose for trouble, doesn’t see an alternative. Except the Resistance, who don’t stand a chance against the world government. His mom always said, “Keep your head down.”
And he does, until his sister is murdered by a pair of cyborgs. Overnight, his simple life is shattered, fracturing the rigid governmental caste as he is thrust into the dangerous world of superhuman hit squads, Resistance uprisings, and secrets better left unsaid.
With only built-in blasters and the advice of a mysterious professor, Raek must navigate crushing betrayal, self-doubt, and a limitless enemy whose evil knows no bounds.
Can Raek unify his people and free them from tyranny? The fate of mankind may rest in his hands.

*** Note: I received this e-copy of this book from the author, in exchange for an honest review. Many thanks to author. ***

Cynetic Wolf was post-apocalyptic, YA, science fiction set in 2096, revolved around 16-year-old Reak who found out he was a mix breed and how that changed his life. It was about oppressive government, insurgency, war, politics, friendship, love, betrayal, and fighting for better future and unity with chosen one trope.
Writing was good with to the point style that take us right into the world of genetic engineering, cybernetics and controlling government. It was first person narrative from Raek’s POV filled with action and politics.
The book started with Reak living his normal animote life with his family in small bottom dweller’s village until his sister was killed by cynetic officers and he discovered his own cynetic powers. And so started the adventure for survival and fight against government for peace and equality. Reak was the first mixed breed, half animote (half human and wolf) and half cynetic. Government saw him as threat against their power and rebels saw him as a hope to their freedom. Who would get to him first and who could he trust, what would he do about the hope millions animote put on him, could he handle huge responsibility that come with it and then there was a rebel wanting him for power and self-gain and cruel ruthless minister who would do anything to stop or most likely kill him.
All characters were interesting. I didn’t like most but some were great. Those who were likable could shine through the book. I wish they were explore a little more. My favorite side characters were Henk and Ashlo, Pear, Lyam and Lars.
Wolf was smart, clever and knew how to survive on his own but this boy had nose for trouble, wherever he go and whatever he did, trouble followed like his shadow. I liked his development. When whole mess started and run for his life to the woods and then city, he knew nothing about fight or strategies or politics but once he met Lyam and then Lars he gained knowledge about survival, mind games, politics, fight, and how to gain people’s trust start a wave of hope, and overthrow government.
The chosen one trope was done well. Reak’s insecurity and doubts as a leader and hope of his people was well narrated. He felt pressure of this huge responsibility. Both his vulnerability and strength was well presented. I liked the adventure and constant chase to survival throughout the book.
The world was interesting. After fall and then genetic engineering experiments- creating human-animal hybrid species (Animotes), upgradations, and immortality- the world was ruled by a government where Immortals ruled with the help of cynetics and enhancers. Immortals had all luxuries and so there was rivalry between these three but all of them considered animotes lowly who were greater in numbers. They did all the work for government but didn’t have any rights or better education. They were treated like animals and hence there were rebel groups who were at constant war with government.
I liked how people were grouped, different species and their animalistic abilities, power of cynetics, immortality and how it was governed, city, segments and villages, technology, crafts, VTOLs and other advanced vehicles, bio suits, safety suits… It was all great and created wonderful picture of world.
There was no info dumping. We are introduced to world as we go along the story and as character experienced the world and technology. Whenever there wasn’t an action or fight, we are told what happened in history and how world came to present situation. It was not detailed just few paragraph or page so it just gave a rough outline.
There were so many twists. One after another and so many action scenes, fights, and blood and massacre that made it roller-coaster ride and hard to predict what might happen next. There was a bit romance in middle of all the tension. It was not detailed or given many pages but it provided break in otherwise too fast paced story and was also important in giving it a twist and direction.
Climax was interesting. I didn’t like how story took turn at this point. It was filled with action, tragedy, drama and sadness. In this part I kept thinking was there seriously no other alternative? Was all this necessary? But at the same time story explained how it was easy in the history of this world, in the era of Gandhi and Mandela, to bring the equality where all were just humans and how and why it couldn’t work here in this world. I liked this message, about the war and peace, how both are important, when to turn to war because those in power wouldn’t bend without uprising and when to pull the war back and seek peace. Last battle before the end was action packed and even more tragic and sad. End was presented well with no cliffhanger so I’m curious what happens next.
Why 3.5 Stars-
I liked the world, even enjoyed it but I wanted a bit description, a map, a proper layout and history. It was more focused on character and what was happening to him. What I mean is writing wasn’t descriptive and so I couldn’t picture the world or technology. I knew some sci-fi jargons but some were new for me and they weren’t explained in story or there wasn’t glossary. Moreover, sometimes I also struggled in visualizing action scenes. It was too fast with almost no breathing break and it made me confused at some places. I often said, ‘wait, what! What just happened?’ and so I had to reread those scenes.
Overall, it was super-fast paced, enjoyable, action packed dystopian sci-fi, filled with twists and amazing world. I recommend this to fans of sci-fi.
Books Links: Goodreads | Amazon

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Susy's Cozy World
This seems a pretty good book! Thanks for sharing!!
Books, Teacup, and Reviews
Thanks, Susy! It’s free on Amazon today, if you wish to read it.
Susy's Cozy World
Oh, thank you! Il check it out immediately!!