
Weekly Wrap-up #WeekinReading (13/1/’20)

Hello readers! My week in reading was great. I finished 2 books that I planned to read. Added 3 books on TBR. 2 I received from author and one from Vulpine Press.

So what I read last week-


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Both were interesting, 400 pages long and a little slow but enjoyable. I was reading them simultaneously. I enjoyed A Cozy Christmas in Cornwall more. I’m still thinking what to write in review of these two! It happens when I don’t take notes. I need time to gather my thoughts but I’ll post them soon.

Here is how my week looked in diary/journal –

What I’m Planning to read this week-

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When Devon discovers his car stolen, he must find transportation to get to his destination before the deadline to get what’s rightfully his: the urn containing one-fifth of his deceased momma. He hops on Bus No. 255 and changes the course of the route. As the passengers’ personalities and needs emerge, they go from being strangers to a bonded family within hours as they fight for each other, and themselves… in more ways than one. Funny and sentimental, this story will grab your heart as you cheer everyone on Bus Route No. 255, maybe even the busnapper.

Meet the passengers on Bus No. 255, an unlikely group of people who have no choice but to try to get along and survive when their bus gets busnapped. Meet Devon, who has a deadline he must meet, or risk losing what’s his; Doug, a dreamer of a better life, but first must face a sad truth; Frankie, a life full of loneliness, but unexpectedly becomes a hero; Gloria, a woman who finds validation in the most unexpected place; Autumn, a girl who desires a family, and a sense of belonging; Dave, a man seeking justice and equality, learns to love himself as he is; and the Garcia family, whose family ties brings them to the brink of danger. Follow these passengers as they each fulfill their destinies, together.

This is a tour book a short read that I’ll read in weekend.

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A novelette:

Cori has always been a bit on the strange side, but when a gate to Hell—literally—pops up in her backyard, she tumbles down, down, down in to a place filled with beasts waiting to reap her soul for the Devil himself.

Lucky for Cori, she meets Rigel and his gang of misfits who have been trapped for quite a bit. Together, they must formulate a plan to escape, or risk remaining down below for all eternity and burning foreverm

Another short story that I’ll start after writing review of those two I finished last week.

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The gods betray you.
The winds are hunting.
Nowhere is safe.
The journey begins…

The war of the gods has left Aeneas’s country in flames. Though he is little more than a youth, Aeneas must gather the survivors and lead them to a new homeland across the roaring waves. Confronted by twisted prophecies, Aeneas faces the wrath of the immortals to find his own path.

First in a trilogy based on Virgil’s epic poetry, Ashes of Olympus: The Way Home is a tale of love and vengeance in an age of bronze swords and ox-hide shields.

This I received in 2019 from publisher and I said I’ll review it in Feb but I’m reading it early. It’s been ages I read mythology.

Let’s discuss!

What did you read last week?
What are you planning to read this week?
Have you read any of these books?

Happy Reading!!

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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