
#BlogTour : The Thirteenth Guardian by K.M. Lewis @kmlewisbooks @YABoundToursPR

Hello Readers! Today is my stop during the blog tour for The Thirteenth Guardian by K.M. Lewis, organized by YA Bound Book Tours. Please check out the book details and excerpt in this post. Do not forget to enter the giveaway.

Book Details:

The Thirteenth Guardian by K.M. Lewis
Genre: YA Sci-Fi/Apocalyptic Fantasy
Release Date: June 11th 2019


Da Vinci’s secret pales. Michelangelo concealed an explosive truth in his famous Creation of Man fresco in the Sistine Chapel at the Vatican. Everything we have been taught about Eve is wrong—she didn’t cause the fall of man. Instead, Eve carried a far more devastating secret for millennia; one that will change the world forever.

As the modern-day world suffers the cataclysmic effects of the “Plagues of Egypt”, Avery Fitzgerald, a statuesque Astrophysics major at Stanford, discovers that she is mysteriously bound to five strangers by an extremely rare condition that foremost medical experts cannot explain. Thrust into extraordinary circumstances, they race against time to stay alive as they are pursued by an age-old adversary and the world around them collapses into annihilation.

Under sacred oath, The Guardians—a far more archaic and enigmatic secret society than the Freemasons, Templars, and the Priory—protect Avery as she embarks on a daring quest that only legends of old have been on before. Avery must come to terms with the shocking realization that the blood of an ancient queen flows through her veins and that the fate of the world now rests on her shoulders.

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Purchase Link:

The book is on sale for only $0.99 through July


Vitaliya did as she was asked. She keyed in a final set of code: a filtering command based on Vitaliya’s new constraint.

Let’s see how well I built this bloody thing. Vitaliya hit “Return” to execute the new code, and they both stared at the screen.

In the background, the algorithm searched trillions of packets of data stored in their cloud servers and extracted records that met a very specific set of complex cross-referencing criteria that had been built in, and now, further constrained.

A couple of seconds later, the computer screen blinked and cleanly displayed a data extract. Neatly arranged on the monitor was a list of eight names, along with contact information which was generally not publicly available—home address, mobile phone number, mobile phone password, email address, and last known GPS location—with longitude, latitude, and elevation.

“Please print that out and bring it to me in the study. I have to get in touch with these people right away.” Florianne turned around and hurried off with deliberate purpose to the adjoining room.

About the Author

K.M. Lewis has lived in multiple countries around the world and speaks several languages. Lewis holds a graduate degree from one of the Ivy League Universities featured in his book. When he is not writing, Lewis doubles as a management consultant, with clients in just about every continent. He does much of his writing while on long flights and at far-flung airports around the globe. He currently resides on the East Coast of the U.S with his family.

Social media: Twitter | Instagram


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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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