
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading (70)

Hello Readers! I hope you all had amazing week.

Last week was much better than usual. I finished 2 books. Most surprising was, I could manage both blog, house, and my kid without feeling exhausted. I wish all weeks are like this.

Last Week I Read-

I liked this sequel even more than first book. It was easy, compelling and exceptional story.

I loved this book. I should have read it as soon as I bought it. If you still haven’t read this book, just get it asap.

Also Reviewed-

Currently Reading-

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There hasn’t been a Blood Warrior for decades. Everyone assumed they were extinct and couldn’t return. Turns out they were just in hiding. Pen chose to revert back to her nomadic life after the death of her family. Life was always safer that way, away from people. Now she’s been caught and odd occurrences have been happening in Ichorisis. People are surviving horrible injuries and illnesses that they shouldn’t be. Now that Pen is under custody of one of the several kings she’s been sent to fix the problem. Whether she wants to or not.

This is short novel and quick read. I started it today and I already finished 40% of the book. It is interesting but I need to read more to have clear view.

Next I will be Reading-

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After moving to Mexico with her parents, Winter Gutan had been hoping the local alternative medicine doctor would cure her mother’s illness. When her mother does not survive his controversial treatments, Winter’s life spirals in despair. Her father, a software engineer, insists his computer program, Fractalistic, will enable them to communicate with her mother’s spirit. But as his sanity begins to slip, Winter confides in her friend Rafa, a computer wizard, who tells her he’s found information about using fractal technology to treat false memories—nothing paranormal about it, leaving Winter confused and without hope. Will she lose her mother forever?

Suspecting her dad is hiding a deep secret, Winter runs Fractalistic behind his back, unveiling a sea of computer-generated imagery swirling on the screen. Her mother appears to her…begging for help! But is this all just Winter’s imagination?

Fractalistic may enable Winter to communicate with her deceased mother, but it might also unleash more mysterious memories buried within Winter’s mind. To figure it all out, Winter must hack into her father’s system to uncover a horrifying truth…or remain in the dark forever. 

I almost forgot I need to read this book this month. This is my third book by Gerardo Delgadillo. This sounds different from his previous two books.

What are you reading this week? Have you read any of these books or planning to read soon? What do you think about them?
Share you thoughts in comment-box below.



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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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