Review,  Mythology,  YA

The Battle of the Labyrinth (Percy Jackson and the Olympians #4) by Rick Riordan

The Battle of the Labyrinth is perfect book for fans of Greek Mythology, adventure, and witty characters.

The Battle of the Labyrinth (Percy Jackson and the Olympians #4) by Rick Riordan

Publication Date : August 21st 2013 (first published March 6th 2008)
Publisher : Puffin
Read Date : April 20th 2019
Genre : Greek Mythology / Middle Grade / Adventure / Urban fantasy
Pages : 342
Stars : ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ /5


As the son of a Greek god, I’ve had my share of near-death disaster – and now my arch enemy Luke wants to invade our camp via an ancient Labyrinth.

If he succeeds, thousands of bloodthirsty monsters will attack. So it’s goodbye sunshine, hello darkness as four of us descend into the terrifying underground and beyond… 

“People are more difficult to work with than machines. And when you break a person, he can’t be fixed.” 

Another wonderful book in Percy Jackson series. This is the book I didn’t remember much after the first read and I enjoyed this more than first time read. This series has always been my favorite and on rereading it only has made it sure.

Writing was simple yet amazingly gripping and full of entertainment. Sarcasm and humor dripping through every page. Exciting battle, tricky situation and thrilling adventure kept me on the age. This series defines fast pace perfectly and I loved the plot

It started with first day of school, just orientation day, and Percy’s luck was twisted by fates, AGAIN! He met vampires with mismatched legs and a redheaded girl, Rachel who could see through mist and to whom he met in previous book at Hoover dam. After running away from burning music room of the school Percy arrived at camp where he learnt about wine dude’s replacement, met Tyson ‘yayy he’s back’, received Iris message sent by mysterious person from which he learnt the sinister plan of Nico, and had more nightmarish dreams that told about Luke and Kronos’ plan to attack on camp half-blood through the labyrinth.

One more life-threatening prophecy, 4 friends in the darkness of labyrinth, maze with traps that might turn you mad. It was exciting to see how they were going to stop Luck’s army of monsters on their way to camp.

First of all, it was fun to see Tyson once more. I loved this book more because of him only. He has grown smarter and braver. Grover was in tricky situation with his deadline for finding Pan that led him to the place he dreaded most, ‘the confines of underground’ and that’s too with Tyson. It was amusing to see Tyson and Grover work together.

Rachel was quirky. She was surprisingly brave, calm, easy going even in deadly situation. I literally laughed when she attacked with plastic hair brush. Who needs celestial bronze when you have a hair brush! I always liked Nico, even though he was bit off the track. I liked how he learned about his sister’s wish and how it brought change in him. I felt for him. It was so unfair being son of Hades and I agreed with Percy’s thought about it.

Percy was as usual fab. He was wonderful friend and brother with heart of gold and clever mind. He was package full of wits, bravery, and right conscience. Poor Percy was troubled by girls around him- first Annabeth, Rachel and then Calypso. It was cute to see jealous Annabeth. She was great in the book. Her feelings for Luke was confusing and I could feel the frustration of Percy. Both of their feelings were genuine and I can’t wait to see development in their relationship.

What I loved more was, world building and myth. The world was interesting- Structure of maze, traps, and monsters in it. Giving the maze life and mind of its own was made the plot brilliant. Deadalus might be crazy for creating this outstanding structure. The story of eternal chase between Daedalus and Minos was gripping and enlightening. I loved to meet different Greek gods in each installment. This time our hero met Hera, Hephaestus and Pan who helped in their quest and gave godly lessons. Not just that but we meet older monsters, monster with bad anatomy, and older kids of Gaia.

There were many insightful messages in the book. How intelligence, greed, vengeance comes with deadly price, how it brings loneliness and bitterness in life that makes you do terrible things and gives no peace even after death; there is no way to cheat death even after many millennia; how being clever is not enough, one must be wise as well; no dark magic can bring back those who are gone, it only disturbs the peace of the spirit. Oh, and animal rights activists and environmentalists will be happy by this book.It was wonderful blend of Myth, modern world and lifelong lessons.

Climax was surprising. Even though this was my reread, I couldn’t guess the identity of Daedalus. Kronos’s plan was shocking and I was mesmerized by Pan’s words. I enjoyed battle scenes and loved the end with two surprise visits. Can’t wait to read final book in this series!

Overall, I just loved it! It is perfect book for fans of Greek Mythology, adventure, and witty characters.

Author : Rick Riordan

Previous books in series:


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