
#promo #authorinterview : This Time by Azaaa Davis @azaaadavis

Hello Readers! Today I pleased to share author interview with Azaaa Davis, Author of This Time- a very interesting Urban Fantasy, paranormal novel. I hope you enjoy reading about book and author in this post.

Book Details:

This Time (Book 1)
Author: Azaaa Davis
Series: Nadira Holden, Demon Hunter
Published October 1st 2018 by Camp-Davis Productions
Genre: Urban fantasy / Paranormal


Legendary demon hunter Nadira Holden paid the ultimate price to end the war between demons and hunters.

Resurrected in present-day New York, many years have passed, everyone moved on without her, and the demons she once battled have made peace with humans. Nadira no longer has a purpose here. Dying again might be her ticket back to that “next life” she experienced.

Except humans are disappearing, and Nadira’s father is one of the missing. Feeling a strong obligation to find him before sorting out her own fate, she begins investigating. 

She won’t rest in peace unless she can prove the demons are behind the disappearances. But Nadira is running out of time. The darkness within her is causing her to lose her humanity while the rest of mankind is on the verge of enslavement to the demons they now worship.

Fight with Nadira in a new urban fantasy series that combines monster-slaying action, family drama, and simmering romance. Experience why not even death can stop her. 

Book Link:

Goodreads / Amazon/ Universal Book Link / Smashwords

About Author:

Azaaa Davis is writer of urban fantasy novels. She fell in love with reading as a high school freshman and continues to read, write, and draw today.
Her background in social work helps her portray realistic characters in otherworldly—and sometimes terrifying—situations. A New York native, Azaaa currently lives in New Hampshire (USA) with her husband and daughter.
Azaaa debuts with This Time, A Nadira Holden Novel, about demon hunters, family ties and the magic of love. Azaaa is working diligently to finish writing more fantasy novels while raising her daughter. Her next book is expected to be released in early 2019.
You can know more about author and book on her website – https://www.azaaadavis.com


Many thanks to author for taking the time out of your busy schedule to take part in this interview.

1. What made you decide to become an author?

Reading a fantasy novel at age fourteen changed my life. It sparked my imagination and inspired me. I developed my love for reading, discovered my love for writing and remembered my love for drawing. Reading helped me dream big and create amazing opportunities for myself. I hope my stories encourage a love for reading in others.

2. Can you tell readers little about your book? What they can expect from the book?

This Time is book one in the Nadira Holden, Demon Hunter series. It’s a fresh urban fantasy novel is about a resurrected demon hunter and those who love her. Nadira is a strong woman of color facing many moral dilemmas. Some will love the action and monster slaying. Some with like the complicated relations filled with drama and angst. Others with like the simmering romance.

This Time will appeal to fans of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Underworld’s Death Dealer Selene, Succubus Georgina Kincaid and Vampire Executioner Anita Blake.

3. How did you come up with the idea for your book?

I wondered, “what if the hero already made the ultimate sacrifice to defeat evil? Then, the hero is called upon to do it all over again when evil resurfaces.” I wanted to explore a hero’s motivations and limits.

4. Tell us about your journey to publication.

I’m an independent author meaning that I publish my own books. I hire professional cover artists and editors. I use software to help draft, edit and format my books. Then I implement my marketing strategy which includes paid advertising and cross promotions with other authors in my genre. There is a lot of up front cost and time that goes into publishing a book once it’s written. I appreciate being indie because I set my own pace and I have complete creative freedom. As a new mom, I need the flexibility of creating my own deadlines. It’s thrilling to know that the mistakes and accomplishments are my own.

5. Who are some authors that inspire you?

Juliet Marillier, author of Daughter of the Forest (Sevenwaters #1) and Jacqueline Carey, author of Kushiel’s Dart (Phèdre’s Trilogy #1). Two amazing fantasy writers in an league of their own.

6. What type of characters do you love and hate to write? Your favorite quality in protagonist.

As a female, I push myself to write authentic dialogue for my male characters. I often pause and ask myself, “would a guy really  say or do that?” I don’t hate it, but it can be hard.

I love to write tense scene be it from anger, suspicion, desire or conflict.

My favorite type of protagonist is a good person with flaws. I don’t like main characters that have no moral compass or ethical boundaries. I also don’t want to read about main characters that cannot lose.

7. What are your most favorite and least favorite thing about being an author?

I love the feeling of accomplishment when I write the last words of a story. I also love seeing positive reviews of my books. I want to know that people are enjoying the stories I’m telling.

I dislike not having more time to write. Some days I’m too tired to write when I finally have a spare moment after 9 o’clock at night.

8. Do you have any writing rituals?

I try to write often and so that means writing where every I am when I have a free moment. I’ve written on long car trips to see out of town family. I’ve written while my daughter is taking an afternoon nap. Mainly, I write at night in my PJ with classical music and a mug of lukewarm coffee.

9. What is the next project you’re working on?

I have an outline for book three in the Nadira Holden, Demon Hunter series and will working on this book for the remainder of the year. Other than that, I have an exclusive, original paranormal romance story I write for my patrons on Patreon.

10. And the last one, Top 3 tips for aspiring authors.

  • Read often and try branching out of your comfort zone. More and more aspiring writers are not reading. This is scary to me. Reading increases knowledge, sparks creativity, fuels motivation and guides the technical aspects of writing. Writers must read. And, I’m on the fence about whether listening to an audiobook counts as reading.
  • Try outlining your story. Write one sentence for each act. Then write one sentence for each scene. You may have twelve or fifty scenes.  Then go back and turn each sentence into a paragraph. Already, you word count is up and your story is taking form. Don’t be afraid to hope around. Then go back and turn each paragraph long scene into a page. And that is one way to grow your story without becoming frozen by a blank page. 
  • The more you write the easier it gets. So, write as often as you can until you are able to achieve the good habit of writing daily. Those that write three to five times a week even if its for small amounts of time might progress faster than someone who maybe writes one day a week for hours. Why? Because the story they are telling is fresh in their mind and their word count per writing session has gradually improved.

Author Links:

Website: https://www.azaaadavis.com

Blog:  https://www.azaaadavis.com/blog

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/azaaadavis

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/azaaadavis

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/40778146

Lnkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/azaa-a-davis-22387a177/

Thank you for reading!

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